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exploitation - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierexploitation

exploitation Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Other  fr   657153. Buy Or Partner Concession Cuivre Cobalt |  Committee mine land concession 

hello i am a small trader in uk with buyers of copper and cobalt ready up to 10, 000mt per month. i am looking to buy, or partner with an owner of, a concession with exploitation license for cuivre and cobalt. serious sellers and owners only, please. thank you  ...
Advertiser from Royaume-uni

Category : mine land concession | Committee Royaume-uni |  
Other  fr   653343. Gold Miner |   Producer mine land concession 

i inform you that we have mine lands with the ni43 101 mine technical report worth $44 billion and $9 billion for sale. we are also open for win win exploitation. among the breadth of our range of products we also have raw precious stones such as blue sapphire amethyst zircon grenadier ruby lonsdaleite diamond. contact me quickly on  ...
Advertiser from Mali

Category : mine land concession | Producer Mali |  
Other  fr   648337. Looking For Investor |   Wholesaler capital investment 

we are looking for visionary investors to participate in a unique project in the mining industry in chad. our company offers an exceptional opportunity to invest in a promising mine, rich in valuable resources. what we offer: strategic partnership with a well established local company. attractive and secure return on investment. direct access to an experienced and dedicated management team. don't ...
Advertiser from emirats-arabes-unis

Category : capital investment | Wholesaler emirats-arabes-unis |  
Other  fr   643914. CHROMIUM ORE |   mine land concession 

seeking partner for the resumption of chromite mining in madagascar. 12km² extraction site located in a recognized chromium zone, easy to access having allowed the exploitation of 1400t in previous years. positive results of studies and prospecting by specialists based on laboratory analyses, available and verifiable (in 7 volumes). exploitable reserves 2, 000, 000 t. open to any partnership pro ...
- Quantity :1000T / 5000T / 10 000T ... 2000000T
Advertiser from Madagascar

Category : mine land concession | Madagascar |  
Other  fr   643821. Licence exploitation Pb Centre Du Maroc |   Producer mine land concession 

vente ou partenariat licence exploitation et plusieurs permis de recherches de plomb centre du maroc région foum lhsin potentiel pour ag, réserve de plomb importante, pour plus d'information nous contacter, pas d'intermédiaire, nous recherchons un partenariat avec une société active et spécialisée dans le domaine de l'exploitation minière de plomb nationale ou internationale. sale or part ...
Advertiser from Maroc

exploitation   Category : mine land concession | Producer Maroc |  
Other  fr   637992. Proposal For Gypsum Exploitation Opportunity |   mine land concession 

an opportunity for gypsum exploitation in north africa. my partner is actively seeking a world renowned company to exploit their high quality gypsum. ...
Advertiser from France

Category : mine land concession | France |  
Other  fr   627620. Minning |   Agent mine land concession 

a la recherche de partenaires pour l'exploitation d'importants carrés miniers dans le katanga (tanganyika). rdcongo. tous les documents de la société sont en ordre.  ...
Advertiser from RD congo

Category : mine land concession | Agent RD congo |  
Selling  fr   620600. Vente De Kaolin Brut |   Producer stone rock 

bonjour nous avons un permis d'exploitation de kaolin premier choix excellente qualité en brut au mauritanie nous cherchons actuellement des clients sérieux pour de grandes quantité à prix défiant toute concurrence. (...) ... restriction :partout dans le monde conditionnement :vrac quantite : illimitée prix:....$fob port nouakchott mauritanie  ...
- Quantity :Illimitée
Advertiser from Mauritanie

Category : stone rock | Producer Mauritanie |  
Selling  fr   596725. Recherche Exploitant De Lithium Ou Or Pour Des |   Producer mine land concession 

cherchons des exploitants ou des fermiers pouvant exploiter des mines d or et de lithium en afrique de l ouest et du centre. permis d exploitation disponible ...
Advertiser from Gabon

Category : mine land concession | Producer Gabon |  

good morning; operating in the trading of mining products including lithium, we are looking for financial partners for the financing of our site which has all its state accreditations. if you have the capacity to invest for a partnership or simply a purchase. location west africa. please contact us. ...
Advertiser from Burkina Faso

exploitation   Category : metals | Burkina Faso |  
Selling  fr   577648. Sardine Fishmeal Fish Oil |   Wholesaler feed 

we are active from morocco in the field of exploitation and export of sardine and mackerel fish for animal use and fish meal with protein, contact us for more info ...
Advertiser from Maroc

Category : feed | Wholesaler Maroc |  
Selling  fr   576498. Urgent Lithium Disponible |  Association metals 

bonjour nous avons du lithium disponible et comme c'est urgent nous donnons la tonne à 65 $ et nous recherchons des partenaires pour des projets d'exploitation  ...
- 65000 $ la tonne
- Limit :Anywhere
- Quantity :5 t
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Mali

Category : metals | Association Mali |  
Selling  fr   558507. Sale Of Mining Products |  Committee other 

we specialize in the exploitation and marketing of several mining products in algeria (kaolin, feldspath, bentonite, zeolite, pouzzolane, gypsum, plaster, gray and white cement, clincker, diatomite, glus cement, calcium carbonate, road salt .) and we are interested in making partnerships with ...
- Packaging :bulk ou container
- Quantity :40 000 t/month
Advertiser from Algerie

Category : other | Committee Algerie |  
Selling  fr   526840. Sawn Timber Logs Square |   other 

avec un catalogue bien garni de fournisseurs opérant dans l’exploitation du bois au gabon, nous vous offrons plusieurs variétés de bois avec possibilité de choisir entre les options les plus économiques et les plus qualitatives. ...
- sur demande
- Packaging :par conteneurs 20 pieds
- Quantity :1000 cbm /
Advertiser from Gabon

Category : other | Gabon |  
Other  fr   526387. 350ha Of Agriculture Land To Rent In NorthTunisia |   cereals 

we propose for immediate renting 400ha of agriculture land in tunisia (north). it can also be classified bio as well. all facilities for field exploitation are there. also possibility for renting a farm house for living if interested. ...
Advertiser from Tunisie

exploitation   Category : cereals | Tunisie |  
Other  fr   526375. SAFFRON Field Of 35ha To Rent In North TUNISIA |   aromatic spices 

we propose a saffron field of 35ha for immediate renting near mateur in tunisia (north). all facilities for saffron exploitation are there and it can also be classified bio as well. if interested, please let us know with an offer ...
Advertiser from Tunisie

Category : aromatic spices | Tunisie |  
Selling  fr   516042. Une Ferme De 40 Hectare Avocado Farm Of 40 Hect |   Producer mine land concession 

très belle ferme d'avocat de 40 hectares dont un maison de lux , dans le meilleur secteur sablonneux du maroc, magnifique ferme d' avocat d'nstallation moderne, age des arbres 4 ans qualité hass ( l'année prochaine sera à son apogée ) , surement une des plus belle exploitation a la vente aujourd'hui si une occasion a ne pas raté monsieur si seulement a 160dh/m² ( prix légèrement négociabl ...
- 145 dh /m²
- Limit :région de larache
- Quantity :40 Hectare ( 400000m²)
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Maroc

Category : mine land concession | Producer Maroc |  
Selling  fr   514996. Cherche Client Partenaire Financier Pour Sisal |   vegetable matter 

bonjour nous aimerions entrer en contact avec un partenaire financier étranger pour l'exploitation de fibre de sisal. nous sommes à madagascar qui est l'un des principaux pays producteurs et exportateurs de cette matière. ...
Advertiser from Madagascar

Category : vegetable matter | Madagascar |  
Other  fr   497230. Good Results In Goldexploration Permit In Senegal |  Committee mine land concession 

i have good results in a gold permit in senegal want parternship to develop the activities to go thru a valuable exploitation. i am experienced geologist ...
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : mine land concession | Committee Senegal |  
Selling  fr   468511. Sale Of All The Products You Are Looking |   Producer other 

sale of all the products you are looking for i put you in direct contact, it is you who will contact the supplier negotiate etc, all food products, sugar, rice, soybeans, butter, oil, small and large quantities, concrete iron , cement, used rail, cathode copper, zic, alluminium, etc, mobile phone, clothes etc milk and dairy products fruits and vegetables dried fruits and roasted ...
Advertiser from Algerie

exploitation   Category : other | Producer Algerie |  
Other  fr   466910. SEARCH FOR PARTNERS |  Committee stone rock 

we are a company holding an exploitation permit for a black stone deposit located in cameroon, in order to start our exploitation we are looking for financing and partners. ...
Advertiser from cameroun

Category : stone rock | Committee cameroun |  
Other  fr   432934. Search For Partners Around The World |   employment representation 

hello dear partners, we are a company based in africa (togo), a company representing large foreign firms, industrial, commercial and financial (exploitation of tropical products, ferrous metals and not, transport of goods. ...
Advertiser from Togo

Category : employment representation | Togo |  
Selling  fr   417610. Vente De Basalt Concassé Senegal |   Producer stone rock 

je représente une société qui à un permis d'exploitation dans une carrière de basalte au sénégal, l'exploitation est en cours, nous cherchons des clients ayant le besoin de cette roche, en grosse et moyenne quantité, nous nous chargeons de la livraison. n'hésitez pas à me contacté, si demande sérieuse je vous contacterez directement sur votre mail. merci. cordialement messieurs.  ...
- 16000 fcfa
- Quantity :İnfiniti
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : stone rock | Producer Senegal |  
Other  fr   407772. Demande Recherche De Partenariat |   Wholesaler mine land concession 

plumar madencilik sanayi ve tic. ltd. sti. cankaya / ankara turkey dear sir, we are a company specialized in the marble extraction sector in the city of manisa in turkey, we have an exploitation of three marble quarries for a period of 49 years extendable with an area of 233 hectare in exploitation ( 1st 99.5 hectare, 2nd 99.5 hectare, 3th 34 hectare) with all the legal authorizati ...
Advertiser from Guinee

Category : mine land concession | Wholesaler Guinee |  
Selling  fr   397665. Bio Veal Meat |   Producer meat and eggs 

organic livestock breeding rejects methods of exploitation such as confinement, lack of freedom, of movement or mooring, that’s why all our cows graze freely in the marshes of doñana. our animals raised organically and in freedom do not receive any type of feed that includes antibiotics, hormones or artificial drugs. all this determines the quality of our meats, contributing to each of the  ...
Advertiser from espagne

exploitation   Category : meat and eggs | Producer espagne |  
Buying  fr   375672. Recherche Matériel Salle De Traite Occasion |   Producer machinery equipment 

recherche matériel d occasion pour exploitation élevage vaches laitières pour exportation.( salle de traite, box à veau etc. ...
Advertiser from France

Category : machinery equipment | Producer France |  
Other  fr   331063. Exploitation |  Association industry operating 

i am a young malian resident in bamako i am manager i am in the buisness for any opportunity on your products, the articles i could cooperate also we are looking for partners for the exploitation of the woods in the liberian forest, also another license for the exploitation of the gold here in mali we have all the documents in conformity with the laws of these countries  ...
Advertiser from Togo

Category : industry operating | Association Togo |  
Selling  fr   327804. BRAZILIAN BLACK PEPPER |   Agent coffee cocoa tea 

works with the highest quality black and white pepper. looking for attend the most judicious markets in the world, based mostly in taking care about quality of the plantation, pesticides, time for harvest and drying method. all the plantations follow rigorous methods of distance between piles, system of fertilizing and maximum exploitation of space. after years of experiences and researches,  ...
- 2500
- Limit :2018
- Packaging :2018
- Quantity :100
Advertiser from Bresil

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Agent Bresil |  
Selling  fr   310167. Exploitation Des Differentes Essences De Bois |   Wholesaler wood charcoal fiber 

we are an ong, we have agricultural projets, and the goverment of hawa contry has left us 1.62000 ha of land where there are all diferent kind of woods. we are looking for companies would be to explore all the wood that are in all are superficial and allow us to realize our projet. we have all the documen in order to allow its exploitation. price of only woods is:151 € m3. thank  ...
- Prix unique pour tout les essences de 151€ le m3
- Limit :Pas de limite sur l'explotation, ni sur la date
- Packaging :A la charge du client
- Quantity :Quantite industriel sur une superficie de 162000
Advertiser from Cameroun

Category : wood charcoal fiber | Wholesaler Cameroun |  
Other  fr   261088. Je Suis A' La Recherche Un Partenaire Pour Invest |  Committee metals 

je suis à la recherche d'un partenaire financier pour investir dans le domaine des métaux pressé. nous disposons d'une autorisation d’exploitation artisanal et traditionnelle pour l'or.on a une parcelle de superficie 1km2.  ...
- Limit :Eeplaitation
- Packaging :Artisanale
- Quantity :2 K m2
Advertiser from Burkina Faso

exploitation   Category : metals | Committee Burkina Faso |  
Other  fr   194508. TYRES RECYCLING |  Committee renewable energy 

if you think can work with me. i create a project in the field of recycling (plastic, tyre, paper...) see the environnemental degradation, i envisaged to install a recycling center in senegal, after in west and central africa: who call "sereex" senegalese of recycling and exploitation sn dkr 2013 m 158.for the begin, i intented to do the tyres that i have the business plan, i think you go s ...
- Limit :partout
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Sénégal

Category : renewable energy | Committee Sénégal |  
Selling  fr   178677. Organic Saffron Farmer Agriculteur Safran Bio |   Producer aromatic spices 

we farm organic saffron and we are looking for wholesale clients. on produit du safran dans notre propre exploitation. on cherche des client pour notre produit bio. ...
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Maroc

Category : aromatic spices | Producer Maroc |  
Other  fr   175394. exploitation Des Terres Cultivables Et Riche |   Producer capital investment 

mise a disposition de plus de 10 hectares de terre pour culture ou plante de tous genres bail, vente partenariat  ...
- Limit : Guinee-Dubreka Forecaria
- Quantity :15 hectares
Advertiser from Guinée

Category : capital investment | Producer Guinée |  
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best relationships between countries
1.) France France
2.) Algérie France
3.) Maroc France
4.) France Cameroun
5.) Tunisie France
6.) Canada France
7.) Côte D Ivoire France
8.) France Maurice
9.) Bénin France
10.) Sénégal France
11.) France Côte D Ivo
12.) Belgique France
13.) Côte D Ivoire Côte D Ivo
14.) Italie France
15.) Algérie Cameroun
16.) Côte D Ivoire Suède
17.) Cameroun France
18.) Chine France
19.) France Espagne
20.) Tunisie Cameroun
21.) Côte D Ivoire Cameroun
22.) Tunisie Maurice
23.) Algérie Algérie
24.) Burkina Faso France
25.) Congo France
26.) Espagne France
27.) France Belgique
28.) France Libye
29.) Royaume-Uni France
30.) Algérie Afrique du
31.) Algérie Canada
32.) Algérie Espagne
33.) Algérie Maurice
34.) Allemagne France
35.) France Togo
36.) Mauritanie France
37.) Pays-Bas France
38.) Togo Cameroun
39.) Togo France
40.) Algérie Côte D Ivo
41.) Belgique Côte D Ivo
42.) Canada Maurice
43.) France Canada
44.) Ghana France
45.) Italie Côte D Ivo
46.) Algérie Pologne
47.) Algérie Tunisie
48.) Belgique Cameroun
49.) Bulgarie France
50.) Canada Côte D Ivoire