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fabricant avocado avocado - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierfabricant avocado avocado

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manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  663898. avocado Pear |   Manufacturer fruits and vegetables  23/11/2024 00:01:04

we have sweet great an avocado pear available and ready for shipment, we sell at affordable prices and our pears come with all documents ...
- 700 Eur/ton
- Limit : Worldwide
- Packaging :boxes
- Quantity : 500 tones
Advertiser from Poland

Category : fruits and vegetables | Manufacturer Poland |  
Selling  fr  663781. avocado Pear |   Manufacturer fruits and vegetables  22/11/2024 01:43:33

we have sweet great an avocado pear available and ready for shipment, we sell at affordable prices and our pears come with all documents ...
- 700 Eur/ton
- Limit : Worldwide
- Packaging :boxes
- Quantity :500 tones
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Advertiser from Poland

Category : fruits and vegetables | Manufacturer Poland |  
Selling  fr  628081. Castor Oil And avocado Oil Available |   Manufacturer olis  12/01/2024 10:04:38

established 5 years ago in the republic of benin and specialising in the production of cold pressed vegetable oils, we are now the reference supplier of extra virgin vegetable oils to laboratories and companies manufacturing natural cosmetic products in africa and internationally. we produce and supply extra virgin oils such as castor oil, avocado oil, baobab oil, neem oil, palm kernel oil,  ...
- Packaging :Bulk
- Quantity :500 L
Advertiser from Benin

Category : olis | Manufacturer Benin |  
Buying  fr  570960. Avocado Pit Or avocado Pit Powder |   Manufacturer fruits and vegetables  08/11/2022 14:56:12

hello, i am looking for avocado pit in bulk or avocado pit powder in large quantities. do not hesitate to contact me  ...
- Quantity :1 tonnes
Advertiser from France

Category : fruits and vegetables | Manufacturer France |  
Selling  fr  531627. Avocado, Baobab, Neem, Moringa Oils Available. |   Manufacturer olis  21/03/2022 08:55:36

we are a company that produces and supplies first cold pressed vegetable oils for natural cosmetic and food manufacturers. we produce virgin oils such as baobab, neem, souchet, sesame, palm kernel, coconut, shea butter, avocado butter, etc. we export to senegal, china, ivory coast and many other countries. it should be noted that our oils are mechanically cold pressed in compliance wi ...
- Limit :No restriction
- Packaging :Bulk
- Quantity :10 tons
Advertiser from Benin

fabricant avocado avocado  Category : olis | Manufacturer Benin |  
Buying  fr  463027. Looking For Mango, avocado, Cocoa And Shea Butter |   Manufacturer olis 

cocoa butter 25kg shea butter 25kg avocado butter 25kg mango butter 25kg castor oil 10l coconut oil 50l sweet almond oil 50l  ...
Advertiser from France

Category : olis | Manufacturer France |  
Selling  fr  416744. Product Processor's Looking For Customers |   Manufacturer olis 

specialized in the food industry (designer and manufacturer of agricultural and industrial machines) we can provide customers with some local or exotic products, processed or not, such as, turmeric, ginger, cocoa, coconut(oil and milk), avocado oil, corn , cola, attiéké, vegetable oils, shea butter ... ...
Advertiser from Ivory Coast

Category : olis | Manufacturer Ivory Coast |  
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