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fabricant biodegradable plastic - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
alimentairefabricant biodegradable plastic

Fabricant Biodegradable Plastic  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

AUTRE  fr  627761. biodegradable plastic Raw Materials PBS PBAT |  fabricant energie renouvelable  10/01/2024 04:49:39

pbat: high ductility, high modification ability, blown film at 155 degrees celsius, heat resistance, impact resistance, good low temperature performance and biodegradable (one step production process). pbs: high mechanical strength, oil resistant, more heat resistant, oxygen blocking, and water resistant than pbat. we focus more on modified plastics and use innovative technology to p ...
Annonceur de chine

Rubrique : energie renouvelable | fabricant energie renouvelable | fabricant energie renouvelable chine |
VENTE  fr  315753. Search Customer Of plastic And biodegradable Bags |  fabricant conditionnement 

we produce all types and models of printed/non printed plastik and biodegradable bags. we have 25 years of experience and our products are certified. our prices are competitive.  ...
- Restriction :Europe/africa/Middle east
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Annonceur de Tunisie

Rubrique : conditionnement | fabricant conditionnement | fabricant conditionnement Tunisie |
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