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fabricant frozen currant - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierfabricant frozen currant

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Selling  fr  547008. Frozen Blackcurrant. Class |   Wholesaler fruits and vegetables  13/06/2022 00:15:43

black currant (sambucus nigra) harvested in an ecologically clean regions of ukraine, so it has low radiological characteristics and high mass fraction anticinides (up 0.43% ). we have frozen black currant of class a available: class a black currants are intended for the manufacturing industry and the horeca segment. this berries pass through a metal detector, are cleaned mechanically and  ...
Advertiser from Ukraine

Category : fruits and vegetables | Wholesaler Ukraine |  
Selling  fr  546989. Frozen Red currant (сranberry). Class |   Wholesaler fruits and vegetables  12/06/2022 23:39:12

red currant (сranberry) (ribes rubrum) harvested in an ecologically clean regions of ukraine, so it has low radiological characteristics and high mass fraction anticinides (up 0.43% ). we have frozen red currant (сranberry) of class a available: class a red currants are intended for the manufacturing industry and the horeca segment. this berries pass through a metal detector, a ...
Advertiser from Ukraine

Category : fruits and vegetables | Wholesaler Ukraine |  
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