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frozen snail - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
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Frozen Snail  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

VENTE  fr  580366. Blue Crab, snail Meat |  fabricant coquillage crustacé  17/01/2023 16:28:51

we supply the products as following : 1, alive blue crabs ; 2, frozen blue crabs; 3, frozen snail meat; please don’t hesitate to contact us , if you are interest! we are forwarding your any questions and feedback!  ...
Annonceur de Grece

Rubrique : coquillage crustacé | fabricant coquillage crustacé | fabricant coquillage crustacé Grece |
VENTE  fr  492064. Live, frozen Or Dried African Giant snails |  producteur viandes et oeufs 

we provide the biggest of the african giant snails live or processed to any part of the world. we also sell pure snail slime gotten through the use of the latest technology in snail slime extraction. ...
Annonceur de nigeria

Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | producteur viandes et oeufs | producteur viandes et oeufs Nigeria |
VENTE  fr  481182. African Giant Snail Meat |  grossiste autres 

i have african giant from snails for sale. i can package it frozen or dried. i can also export it live. these snails are picked from the wild and very tasty. ...
Annonceur de Ghana

Rubrique : autres | grossiste autres | grossiste autres Ghana |
VENTE  fr  408099. Escargots/Snails |   viandes et oeufs 

j'ai un champ d'escargots, donc je cherche des clients pour l'exportation d'escargots vivant ou congeler. i have a snail farm, so i am looking for buyers, to export live/frozen snails to. merci/thanks ...
Annonceur de Benin

Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | Benin |  
VENTE  fr  70659. Escargots snails Helix Aspersa Maxima |  producteur animaux vivants 

we offer the following quality products: hibernating snails, with shelf life of 12 months storage at 1 6 degrees; blanched deeply frozen snail meat, whit shelf life 24 months storage at 18 degrees; canned snails; snail caviar; snail extract and slugs of blood natural / liquid form and dried; weight, labels and packaging, including the trademark can be made accordin ...
Annonceur de Bulgarie

frozen snail  Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants Bulgarie |
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