EspaceAgro selleco

Peanuts/Groundnuts 80/90 Size - Tanzanie

Peanuts/Groundnuts 80/90 Size - fruits secs et graines grillées peanuts,  also known as groundnuts,  are a versatile and widely consumed product across the globe. glacier group co ltd,  a leading manufacturer and exporter from tanzania,  offers premium-grade peanuts in an 80/90 size specification. these peanuts are from tanzania and are available in various grades t
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°658899:   20/10/2024 01:34:21
peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are a versatile and widely consumed product across the globe. glacier group co ltd, a leading manufacturer and exporter from tanzania, offers premium grade peanuts in an 80/90 size specification. these peanuts are from tanzania and are available in various grades to meet different market needs. with a focus on quality, the product is moisture controlled to 7%, ensuring long shelf life and freshness.

they are suitable for various applications like peanut butter, cooking oil, and snack nuts, making them an essential commodity in different industries. the product complies with strict aflatoxin levels, with b1 at 2 ppb and total aflatoxin levels at 4 ppb, ensuring safety and premium quality.

variety java/spanish
origin tanzania
crop new crop, 2024
grade 50/60, 60/70, 70/80, 80/90, 90/100, 100/120, 120/140
moisture 7%
aflatoxin b1 2 ppb
total aflatoxin (b1+b2+g1+g2) 4 ppb
packaging 50/25 pp and jute bags, 25 kg vacuum pack, 1 1.25 tons big bags.

whether for domestic consumption or international trade, these peanuts provide exceptional value in the wholesale market. inquire today for competitive rates and supply details.
Conditions tarifaires : 300 € per ton
Conditionnement : as per buyers request
Quantite : 2000 tons
Prix : 300 € per ton
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