EspaceAgro selleco

Cavendish Banana - Tunisie

Cavendish Banana  - fruits et légumes ste tunisienne , on peut vs approvsionnez de cavendish banana. 1-specfication-    --product-cavendish banana  --brand name  -exotic fruits --packing details -    --products are packed in an attractive 5 ply  cartons bottom and 3ply carton on top  --ratio -    --90 % big hands(4, 5, 6 hands) & 10% small
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°232518:   25/03/2016 10:24:03 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

ste tunisienne ,on peut vs approvsionnez de Cavendish Banana. 1 Specfication:
Product:Cavendish Banana
Brand Name :exotic fruits
Packing Details :
Products are packed in an attractive 5 ply Cartons bottom and 3ply carton on top
Ratio :
90 % big hands(4,5,6 hands) & 10% small hands (7hands)
Weight :
13.5 Kg net weight /carton and 14.5 kg gross weight .
Origin :
Quantity :
Min. 1 FCL of 40FT
Min 45mm – 49mm
Quality :
Export Quality
Finger Length :
18 to 25 Cm from pulp to tip
Loadablity :
20.79 MT in one 40FT Reefer Container
1540 carton box one 40FT container
Looking forward your order approval
If you come across any other clarification kindly mention to our email
Awaiting for your valuable response
Restrictions : aucune
Conditionnement : carton13.5 kg net weight/14.5 kg gross weight
Quantite : illimite
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