EspaceAgro selleco

Datte DEGLET NOUR - Tunisie

Datte DEGLET NOUR - fruits et légumes deglet nour is distinguished with its soft touch,  translucent blond color and delicious taste--detailed description	--also available with the demeter label and bags of 250 g,  500 g on requestdates are packed in their condition at the time of harvest on the palm without intermediate processing.--feat
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°139383:   06/12/2013 12:42:11
DEGLET NOUR is distinguished with its soft touch, translucent blond color and delicious taste
Detailed Description
Also available with the Demeter label and bags of 250 g, 500 g on requestDates are packed in their condition at the time of harvest on the palm without intermediate processing.
feature:stackablepackaged in a sturdy cardboardPacking unit: 12 x 400 gcontaining a cardboard label, printed in color, and closed with a plastic linkBags of clear and transparent cellophanepacking:extra qualityWeight: Ø August to December g / fruitCaliber: Ø 3.5 to 5.0 cmthe honey colored to light brown, mattripened palmVariety: Deglet Nour

Conditions tarifaires : 2,6 € FOB
Conditionnement : Innovant et très chic
Quantite : No MOQ
Prix : 2,6 € FOB
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