EspaceAgro selleco

Fruits Rouges Origines Portugal Espagne Maroc - France

STATUT NON DEFINIACHAT  N°448663:   04/11/2020 08:03:38
then, we work with all the supermarkets of fance (carrefour, intermarket, leclerc,...) and we make 9.5 million euros of turnover. we are not yet working with wholesalers in france, this is my mission and to develop red fruits too.
we are a major importer of green bean from kenya, limes from brazil and mango from peru.

we are paired with another company meyer pdm located at the bat e2 which it represents 18 million euro of turnover , it mainly makes mushrooms, top vegetables of game and generalite in fruits with a very nice ray of red fruits.
i look for now one partner with raspberry, black, bleu and red curence, for all the year with one brand to distribut in france.

rasberry : around now 6 to 10 palets per week for the moment
black : 1 pal per week
red curence : 1 pal per week
bleu : 3 to 4 pal per week

i would like 2 different thing :
12x125g with sticker on the penet for all the fruit
12x125g open top for all the fruit range

if you not ready now, maybe you know one or two producteurs to have some thing for me and when you are ready, let’s go.

for raspberry, i need kwenza , adélita, maravilla or kweli fruit or a new variety i don’t know, just nice fruit
for bluberry , the same, big fruit and good to eat
black : not to big because so fragile
red curence : a longue raffle (minimum 10 cm)
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