EspaceAgro selleco

Plants In Vitro Haute Valeur Ajoutée - Belgique

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°150363:   06/03/2014 00:05:25
Belgian company experienced in mother plants micropropagation. Its leading role in the development and production of healthy, virus free and homogeneous plants using in vitro technology gives to its customers the assurance of a steady and regular supply of very high added value plants. also offers its customers with strain preserving and full traceability.

Thanks to an innovative and replicable concept, is today able to meet the needs of its customers worldwide. The company also provides technical assistance in agronomy (plants hardening off plants) and setting up / scaling up of modern in vitro laboratories.

We produce high quality plantlets for food, cosmetic, perfume & pharmaceutical industry.

aims to collaborate with its major customers/nurseries on an exclusiveness basis. The technology being applicable to the majority of species and varieties, market demands are varied and our technological solutions fully adapted to customers’ needs.

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