EspaceAgro selleco

Selling Carobs - Portugal

Selling Carobs - fruits et légumes greetings, --i´m selling my carobs this year which were caught during the summer months. the carob trees are from the species “ceratonia siliqua” subspecies “mulata” typical from the region where they come from (algarve,  portugal) the trees are all females,  the pod size is medium,  curved shape with a
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°504781:   04/10/2021 14:53:32
i´m selling my carobs this year which were caught during the summer months. the carob trees are from the species “ceratonia siliqua” subspecies “mulata” typical from the region where they come from (algarve, portugal) the trees are all females, the pod size is medium, curved shape with a sugar content in pulp of around 40 50%, seed yield of around 12 14% and endosperm of 55.8%.
the trees are part of my family garden, so they are irrigated all year around and without any specific treatment beside some minor trimming once in while. the production this year was around 500 kg.
looking forward to hearing from you.
best regards

Quantite : 500kg
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