EspaceAgro selleco

Supply All Horticultural Crops Of Fruits And Veg - France

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°152061:   18/03/2014 09:36:54
The company has the capacity to supply all horticultural crops of fruits and vegetables , fresh and dried produced in his farms in Egypt and all products are of high quality and relevant international standard specifications for such products.The company produces the following crops :All kinds of grapes , mangoes , pomegranates , figs , fresh and dry all their own identity citrus ( orange tangerine lemon ) , fresh green beans and dry beans , onions and many other agricultural products that can be supplied at competitive prices and high quality.
Précisions indiquées
The company has the capacity to supply all horticultural crops of fruits and vegetables , fresh and dried produced in his farms in Egypt and all products are of high quality and relevant international standard specifications for such products.The company produces the following crops :All kinds of grapes , mangoes , pomegranates , figs , fresh and dry all their own identity citrus ( orange tangerine lemon ) , fresh green beans and dry beans , onions and many other agricultural products that c

Pays: France
Type activite: courtier
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