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grossiste plastic manufacturer - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
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Grossiste Plastic Manufacturer  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

ACHAT  fr   594586. Plastic manufacturer |  grossiste conditionnement  26/04/2023 14:29:07

hello, i'am looking for a manufacturer of hatching baskets of dimensions: 82x78x12 (+/ 2%), to produce between 1000 and 1500 pcs i ask you too. to give me an offer for the manufacture of a mold for a quality between 1000 and 1500 pcs kind regards avotec sarl  ...
Annonceur de Maroc

Rubrique : conditionnement | grossiste conditionnement | grossiste conditionnement Maroc |
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