EspaceAgro selleco

Yellow Beeswax 100% Pure - Royaume Uni

Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°649496:   04/08/2024 16:03:06
100% pure yellow beeswax
product: 100% yellow beeswax:
congealing point 61 65°c
acid value 17 23 (mg koh/g)
easter value 70 80 (mg koh/g)
saponification value 87 102 (mg koh/g)
hydrocarbon value < 14%
melting point: 62 65
1. introduction and yellow beeswax

1 in skin and cosmetics:
beeswax is used in tip balm, gloss, hand creams, and moisturizers; and in cosmetics such as eye shadow, blush, and eye liner.
beeswax is an important ingredient in mustache wax and hair pomades, which make hair look sleek and shiny.
2 in food preparation:
beeswax is used as a coating for food, by sealing out the air, protection is given against spoilage and mold groeth. it also can be used: in small quantities acting as a glazing agent, which serves to prevent water loss or to provide surface protection for some fruit.
3 in candle making:
beeswax further recommended for the making of candles used in the liturgy of the church.
4 in other areas:
beeswax is an ingredient in surgical bone wax, which is used during surgery to control bleeding from the bone surface; shoe polish and furniture polish can both use beeswax as a component.
2. the classification of our beeswax
our company's beeswax included the natural/crude beeswax, yellow beeswax, yellow beeswax pellets,
the package of beeswax

products package container weight
beeswax block 25 kgs/bag 20' gp and 40' gp 19 t and 26 t
beeswax pellet 20 kgs/bag 20' gp and 40' gp 15 t and 26 t

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