EspaceAgro selleco

Huile De Tournesol - Luxembourg

Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°616790:   17/10/2023 14:15:08
huile de tournesol
plusieurs container disponible
prix cif/ fob
suivre procédure
loi to seller
icpo to the seller
• seller sends the draft sales and purchase agreement (spa) – this document within 48 hours: buyer signs back the spa, inputs his passport, proof he is allowed to sign this contract, the incorporation certificate of company and sends its own company cis/kyc and the cis/kyc of the issuer of the financial instrument if he is using a financier to issue the payment guarantee and he sends back to the official email of seller:
• seller signs the spa and sends back accompanied with the proforma invoice
• buyer returns the proforma invoice signed
• after having been signed and stamped manually by the seller and buyer, seller will send via the “docusign” service for the management of electronic signatures and digital transactions is deemed as having original value with all the associated legal and legal scope. it will therefore be a substitute for the original paper within 2 business days, buyer issues the financial instrument draft to seller
• seller valids draft and indicates the account where the financial instrument must be opened
• within 7 business days, the seller designated account holder will issue 2% pb to buyer’s bank, of the first shipment, amounting to / and past performance and aqsiq of the provider will be given
• within 10/20 days after the financial instrument is opened, delivery start
• all orders and shipments will be paid at loading port by mt103/tt against shipping documents within 3 banking days.

Quantite : 1.200.000
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