EspaceAgro selleco

Huile Tunisien - Tunisie

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°85508:   09/07/2012 14:43:55
1/ Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Max acidity 0,5%
In conformity with the norms of the International Oleicol Council.
Production 2012
Tunisian Origin
2/ Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Max acidity 0,5%
In conformity with the norms of the International Oleicol Council.
Production 2012
Tunisian Origin
3/ Infused Olive Oil, (Flavor olive oil)
In conformity with the norms of the International Oleicol Council.
Production 2012
Tunisian Origin
Items: Glass Bottle of 0,25 Liter
Glass Bottle of 0,50 Liter
Glass Bottle of 0,75 Liter
Metallic Tin of 0,25 Liter
Metallic Tin of 0,50 Liter
Metallic Tin of 1 Liter
Metallic Tin of 2 Liters
Metallic Tin of 3 Liters
Metallic Tin of 5 Liters
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