EspaceAgro selleco


RBD COOKING PALM OIL - huiles palm oil is the most traded vegetable oil in the world today. having a naturally semi solid charcteristic at room temperature with a specific origin melting point between 36°c to 39°c,  it does not require hydrogenation for use as a food ingredient. with a balanced ratio of unsaturated and sa
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°560067:   30/08/2022 15:19:53
palm oil is the most traded vegetable oil in the world today. having a naturally semi solid charcteristic at room temperature with a specific origin melting point between 36°c to 39°c, it does not require hydrogenation for use as a food ingredient. with a balanced ratio of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids it results in an edible oil that is suitable for use in a variety of food applications. rbd palm oil is used in the production of margarine, confectionary fats, cooking oil and in the milk industry for the production of sour cream, cheese, cream cheese spread, condensed milk and for the production of other food products.
Conditions tarifaires : 550
Conditionnement : Based on customer's request
Quantite : 20 MT Min Order
Prix : 550
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