EspaceAgro selleco

Refined Bleached Deodorized Corn Oil - Ukraine

Refined Bleached Deodorized Corn Oil - huiles rbd corn oil is produced from highly selected corn and is further refined to give excellent light and pure quality oil. the oil is naturally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and low in saturated fats. corn oil is cholesterol free,  light in colour and bland in taste. it reduces the risk of heart d
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°298411:   16/12/2017 22:07:10
rbd corn oil is produced from highly selected corn and is further refined to give excellent light and pure quality oil. the oil is naturally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and low in saturated fats. corn oil is cholesterol free, light in colour and bland in taste. it reduces the risk of heart disease by reducing the bad cholesterol level in the body.
as a result of its universal properties and high heat stability, corn oil is used for a wide range of applications. it can be used as general cooking oil for frying, baking and deep frying. due to its rich flavour and high vitamin content it is used for cold preparations such as salads, sauces, mayonnaise and vinaigrettes. in industrial applications it can also be used as a stable frying oil in the snack food industry.
Conditions tarifaires : 350$ per ton
Restrictions : world wide
Quantite : 5000 tons
Prix : 350$ per ton
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