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manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Other  fr  502142. Wanted importers Of Shea Butter/Coco Nuts Oil |   Wholesaler fat 

we are seeking for importers worldwide to partner with for regular supply of quality shea butter/nuts and coco nuts for regular supply basis.refine and unrefined shea butter 2021 crops season products with shelf life of 2years quality standard according to buyer requirements for soap, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and confectioneries/chocolate industrial used. ...
Advertiser from Nigeria

Category : fat | Wholesaler Nigeria |  
Selling  fr  329880. IMPORTERS WANTED TOP COLOMBIAN EXOTIC FRUITS |   Producer fruits and vegetables 

high quality exotic fruits from our conventional farms in colombia. mango (keitt), mangoustan, avocado, maracuya, fruit de la passion, premium cacao. seasonal shipping dates. min order 1 metric ton. bio farm in development first yield 2021. ...
- Limit :EU
- Quantity :1+ TONS
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Advertiser from France

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer France |  
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