EspaceAgro selleco


STATUT NON DEFINIAUTRE  N°84265:   26/06/2012
,have the pleasure to inform you of an investment proposal of amount of $48.5 million dollars.I will be very grateful if you can be able to handle the funds in a profitable project that both parties will be benefited.The said amount will be transfer out under the investment which all relevant documents for the purpose of the tranfer of the sum will be forwarded to you.

Please you are requested to send to me your account details and copy of your passport with all relevant information of you to enable me put together all neccessary paper work for the transfer.

We shall also have an agreement or memorandom of understanding (M.O.U) which will spell out the investment partern and durations,you will have to make an arrangement to come over for signing of investment with us and for notarization and legalization of covering documents .

We will be glad if you can forward back to us the information above as we wish to finalised very soon.

Waiting to hear from you soon on the subject matter.

Yours sincerely,

Conditions tarifaires : 000000
Prix : 000000
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