Other N°434190:
31/07/2020 10:01:12
my name is thabo mpharoane from southern africa,lesotho.
we are ed value consortium and are looking for an early stage(pre seed) financier partner (equity & debt) to join our proposed startup out grower program infused snail farming business in lesotho. our team is exceedingly capable as it consists of our offer taker who is also renowned farmer and experts of various core technical disciplines.
ed value (edv) consortium prides itself with a game changing investment opportunity in the agribusiness in the southern african region,which solely focuses on the international eu markets valued over $10 billion a year. the need for export based,fast return, sustainable development is fused with the desire for a significant participation in the lucrative global land snail trade (estimated in total size of 500,000 tons a year of which only 10% is farmed)
this initiative is a results of a strategic business partnership between edv and one of the leading eu firms in farming and trading land snail meat. the proposed project evolved around a well planned economy of scale with a start up production of 650 tons/year.edv consortium is therefore aiming to establish a commercial unit in a suitable 5ha land farm lesotho with access to portable water,power and commercial port will durban port in south africa to deliver its products into the eu various markets. this opportunity could not have come at a better time , as international prices are rising due to the increase in global demand and the limited capacity to supply is constrained by the harvested stock from nature