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kosso woods - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierkosso woods

kosso woods Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  538161. We Sale Timber Round Logs Square Logs, Sawn |   Producer wood charcoal fiber  28/04/2022 16:32:41

we have woods of many types at very good prices. we just got a new forrest and we have started cutting woods of good quality bought sawn lumbers and logs.please if you are still buying timber woods be it logs or sawn lumbers get back us with you order so we can supply you. you are also welcome to visit the forrest and make choices if you want, as we supply douala loading pack and fob.we accept ...
- 200Euros
- Packaging :cif, fob, cnf, 100%lc
- Quantity :5000 cubic meter
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Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : wood charcoal fiber | Producer Cameroon |  
Selling  fr  254855. kosso woods |   Wholesaler wood charcoal fiber 

our company exports some kossos wood. the government has just authorized our company to export the woods and we look for serious customers for the sale of 4 containers. then, we can export up to 20 containers per month for six months. this is an seriousness. if you are direct buyers please contact us by telephone. only the serious requests will be received. thank you so for tour interest.  ...
- at discuss
- Limit :Chine; Vietnam
- Packaging :containers
- Quantity :4 containers
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Benin

Category : wood charcoal fiber | Wholesaler Benin |  
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