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La Brine  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

VENTE  fr  660731. Canned Fish In Vegetable Oil, Tomato Sauce |  grossiste poissons  02/11/2024 05:31:06

we have some types of canned fish to export: can supply a variety of canned fish, sardine & mackerel under customer's brand with competitive price. we can pack in various specifications as per your customer's target. our products are the best quality; canned mackerel/sardine in tomato sauce canned mackerel/sardine in brine canned mackerel/sardine in vegetable oil item: canned mackerel a ...
Annonceur de Royaume Uni

Rubrique : poissons | grossiste poissons | grossiste poissons Royaume Uni |
VENTE  fr  630117. Thon/Sardine Origine Indonesia |  courtier conserve semi conserve  30/01/2024 07:09:34

conserve de thon et de sardine, origine indonésie canned tuna and sardines from indonesia tuna chunks in vegetable oil 90 gr 48 cans / cartons 2800 cartons / 20' container fob price (surabaya port) : usd 24.00 / carton tuna chunks in brine 140 gr 48 cans / cartons 2000 cartons / 20' container fob price (surabaya port) : usd 29.50 / carton sardines in vegetable oil 125 gr 50 cans  ...
Annonceur de La-Reunion

Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | courtier conserve semi conserve | courtier conserve semi conserve La Reunion |
VENTE  fr  622047. Canned Fish In Vegetable Oil |  grossiste poissons  22/11/2023 10:43:56

we have some types of canned fish to export: can supply a variety of canned fish, sardine & mackerel under customer's brand with competitive price. we can pack in various specifications as per your customer's target. our products are the best quality; canned mackerel/sardine in tomato sauce canned mackerel/sardine in brine canned mackerel/sardine in vegetable oil item: canned mackerel an ...
Annonceur de Royaume Uni

Rubrique : poissons | grossiste poissons | grossiste poissons Royaume Uni |
VENTE  fr  604546. Canned Fish In Sunflower Oil, Tomato Sauce, Brine |  grossiste poissons  12/07/2023 08:11:38

we have some types of canned fish to export:  can supply a variety of canned fish, sardine & mackerel under customer's brand with competitive price. we can pack in various specifications as per your customer's target. our products are the best quality; canned mackerel/sardine in tomato sauce canned mackerel/sardine in brine canned mackerel/sardine in vegetable oil item: canned mackerel a ...
- Conditionnement :cartons
- Quantite :100 tons
Annonceur de Royaume Uni

Rubrique : poissons | grossiste poissons | grossiste poissons Royaume Uni |
VENTE  fr  505551. Thon à Huile-Toma- Boite De 160 Grs Et De 170 Grs |   conserve semi conserve  14/02/2022 14:22:59

nous offrons le meilleur de ce que la mer à nous offrir en termes de créatures marines pour que nous puissions en profiter, renforcer notre système immunitaire et nous aider à travailler sans nous sentir fatigués. pack48 boites x 160g/112g skj chunk (30%flakes/70%chunk) in sunflower oil (60%oil/40%brine) ezo uv label: pack48 boites x 170g/120g skj chunk (30%flakes/70%chunk) in sunflower oil ...
- Restriction :offre jusqu'a 15 mars 2025
- Conditionnement :Cartons
-Pour voir la marque concernee par cette annonce, vous devez etre membre d'EspaceAgro
Annonceur de Turquie

la brine  Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | Turquie |  
VENTE  fr  447317. Exportateur Superfood Epices Bio |  grossiste épices aromates 

bonjour a tous, exportateur de produits alimentaire, nous avons une large gamme de superfood, épices, condiments, ... bio ou conventionnel. moringa powder young jackfruit in brine jackfruit in bbq sauce avocado powder mangosteen powder mango powder mongo dried pineaple powder pineaple dried banana powder banana chips kithul treacle pepper cardamon cinnamon vanilla beans coc ...
Annonceur de Sri-Lanka

Rubrique : épices aromates | grossiste épices aromates | grossiste épices aromates Sri Lanka |
VENTE  fr  365942. THON MORCEAUX TUNA CHUNKS |  grossiste conserve semi conserve 

nous fournissons du thon à morceaux à l'huile végétale, sauce de tomate et natural/saumure, tailles can 80 g nw, 160 g nw et 1000 g nw we supply tuna chunks in vegetable oil, tomato sauce and natural / brine, sizes can 80 g nw, 160 g nw and 100 g nw ...
- à tarifer / quotation
- Conditionnement :Par conteneur 20 pieds FCL20
- Quantite :Ilimitée
Annonceur de Portugal

Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | grossiste conserve semi conserve | grossiste conserve semi conserve Portugal |
VENTE  fr  353526. Salt Conserved Capers |  producteur matiere vegetale 

we are a moroccan company specialized in the production and export of agricultural products. with an experience of over 20 years in particular. capers in brine barrels of 250l olives in brine barrels of 250l wild onions / truffels / pickles ... etc so please tell us your needs for your compaign of 2019, to offer you our best prices. best regard ...
- Negociable
- Restriction :Fully International
- Conditionnement :250L Barrels
- Quantite :Negociable
Annonceur de Maroc

Rubrique : matiere vegetale | producteur matiere vegetale | producteur matiere vegetale Maroc |
ACHAT  fr  284820. Thon En Conserve |  producteur conserve semi conserve 

bonjour , nous sommes a la recherche du thon en conserve specifications: tuna chunks in can n.w. 1705 g , d.w. 1260 g , oil:brine ratio 60:40 , max. 30% flakes , buyers label . origine senegale dirrectement du producteur , si le prix est économique nous achetons en grande quantié , nous travaillons de société à sociéété ...
- Restriction :Senegale
- Conditionnement :En boite de conserve de 1.705 grms
- Quantite :Conteneur entier
Annonceur de espagne

Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | producteur conserve semi conserve | producteur conserve semi conserve Espagne |
ACHAT  fr  278256. Morilles Séchées, Verpe De Boheme Séchées |  grossiste champignon levure 

we would like to offer the following dried mushrooms: morchella conica, verpas bohemica, chanterelle, porcini, sarcodon imbricatus on cpt by air or dap. also, we can supply frozen and brine mushrooms. origin: russia. payment: l/c, t/t.  ...
- Restriction :Origin of Russia
- Conditionnement :10 kg
Annonceur de Russie

la brine  Rubrique : champignon levure | grossiste champignon levure | grossiste champignon levure Russie |
AUTRE  fr  201366. THON AU NATUREL OU L'HUILE |  producteur conserve semi conserve 

we are canned tuna producers.we export canned tuna in the european , american and north african market.we produce cans and pouches in differents size and in brine, oil or tomatoe.we promote high quality and safety combined with moderate prices.we promote also customized packaging depending on your needs.this can be justified by the ifs and brc certifates that we hold, and recently we’ve received s ...
Annonceur de Senegal

Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | producteur conserve semi conserve | producteur conserve semi conserve Senegal |
ACHAT  fr  103016. Cherche Fournisseur |  grossiste animaux vivants 

je cherche un fournisseurs des genisses simmental allemande ainsi que la red holestein et la brine au port d'alger veuillez me contacter  ...
- /////
- Restriction :alger port
- Conditionnement :bateau/camion
- Quantite :30-60
Annonceur de algerie

Rubrique : animaux vivants | grossiste animaux vivants | grossiste animaux vivants Algerie |
VENTE  fr  101928. Thon |  courtier conserve semi conserve 

offer canned tuna in vegetable oil/brine ingredients:tuna, soya oil and brine(water and salt) origin vietnam 1/ canned chunk tuna in soya bean oil size: 170grs. dw: 120grs. oil/brine: 40/60 packing: 48can/ctn. easy open lid , paper label price( usd carton fob hcm): 39.24$ 2/ canned chunk tuna in soya bean oil size: 1850grs. dw: 1250grs. oil/brine: 40/60 packing: 6can/ctn. normal ...
Annonceur de France

Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | courtier conserve semi conserve | courtier conserve semi conserve France |
ACHAT  fr  100176. Thon En Conserve |  grossiste conserve semi conserve 

we are wholesaler of food products from france interesting by canned tuna. specifications: canned tuna solid in oil net drain weight 600gx12 tins (nw: about 850g) kind of tuna: skipjack and bonito (2 quotations) oil: sunflower oil / brine: 60% / 40% at first we will begin by one container 20ft but we want to establish a long and good cooperation with you if you have a good product with  ...
- Conditionnement :850g
- Quantite :10 conteneur
Annonceur de France

Rubrique : conserve semi conserve | grossiste conserve semi conserve | grossiste conserve semi conserve France |
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