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Selling  fr  222374. Poissons Mauritanie |   Producer fish 

poisson frais de la mauritanie mero, cherna, sama roquera, dentón, sargo, lenguado rubio, lengua, langosta, abaye, corvina, dorada royal, choco, sepiola, acedía, corvina, raya, herrera, salmonete, acedia, pargo, pota, rape, lenguado tigre, langostino etc.... si vous êtes intéressé par l'importation de poisson frais de la mauritanie, consulter par téléphone m ...
Advertiser from Mauritania

Category : fish | Producer Mauritania |  
Buying  fr  203311. Fish From Tunis Mediterran See And Atlantic See |   Wholesaler fish 

i want to buy fresh fish from tunisia mediteranean see, every week 1000kg name of the fish:rascasse dente loup bar lotte pageot pagro langoste ecc. i want to buy fresh fish from atlantic ocean ...
- Limit :product of Tunisie mediterranea or Atlantic ocean
- Quantity :1000kg for week
Advertiser from Italy

Category : fish | Wholesaler Italy |  
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