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leonardite quality - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierleonardite quality

leonardite quality Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  637347. VENTE ENGRAIS ORGANIQUE |   other  02/04/2024 10:53:53

company in the production of organic humates from ukrainian leonardite (highly oxidized lignite with high contents of humic and fulvic acids). the production line of our company allows us to produce organic fertilizers, using the natural properties of leonardite and high￾quality organic additives. we offer our customers the following product humate potassium “bionit” liquid bionit  ...
Advertiser from France

Category : other | France |  
Selling  fr  278982. Humic Acids From Natural Sources |  Association stone rock 

leonardite is used to condition soils either by applying it directly to the land, or by providing a source of humic acid or potassium humate for application thanks to having the highest humic acids content of any natural source. . it adds the organic matter to soil, hence sodic and calcareous soils are benefited from it highly. it also supplies ideal conditions for “good” bacteria to grow. leona ...
Advertiser from Algeria

Category : stone rock | Association Algeria |  
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