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live helix muller snails - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
alimentairelive helix muller snails

Live Helix Muller Snails  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

VENTE  fr  97212. Helix Aspersa Maxima snails |  producteur coquillage crustacé 

hello. our business specializes in the worldwide export of live snails (helix aspersa maxima (gros gris) and helix aspersa muller and raw produce of snails’ caviar. live snails are exported only during high season (september december) and caviar all year round.snails are grown organically without the use of additives.snails are fed green fodder, it is rape and summer, compl ...
- 2,20 €
- Conditionnement :5kg in boxes
- Quantite :50 tons
Annonceur de Lituanie

Rubrique : coquillage crustacé | producteur coquillage crustacé | producteur coquillage crustacé Lituanie |
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