EspaceAgro selleco

Agro-industrie - Suede

STATUT NON DEFINIAUTRE  N°454582:   06/12/2020 22:59:22
cameroon is a strategic location with fertile land due to the tropical forest (humidity) the many rivers going through the country. one of these being sanaga, a river crossing almost the entire country.
the country is an eldorado for agriculture, with windows open to the word due to the various ports, airports, roads, and railways creating a good foundation for international commerce.

we are a group of entrepreneurs working in agriculture with crops such as:
breading of chickens and pigs

we are working with 50 hectares of land located next to a river, with the possibility to expand seeing that there is more land available (approximately 400 hectares).
our vision is to create a partnership with potential clients, investors and partners to create a sustainable business and collaboration with long terms goals.

the difficulties that we are facing now are:
transport and equipment

with these facts in mind we believe we can create a sustainable business and a growing economy.
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