EspaceAgro selleco

Clipadora Automática En Continuo Tipper Tie RS420 - Espagne

Clipadora automática en continuo Tipper Tie RS420 - matériels machines the rs4201 stuffer/clipper is a packaging machine capable of handling a variety of hard and soft emulsions,  as well as chunk meats including ham and ground beef products. all conventional pump stufffers and portioners can be used with the rs4201.  stuffed casings are fed into the machine,  and when t
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°88779:   17/08/2012 10:48:32 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

The RS4201 stuffer/clipper is a packaging machine capable of handling a variety of hard and soft emulsions, as well as chunk meats including ham and ground beef products. All conventional pump stufffers and portioners can be used with the RS4201. Stuffed casings are fed into the machine, and when the stuffed casing is filled to be desired length the casing is squeezed (voiding the product), clips arte added, and the finished package is conveyed to the conveyed to the operator for removal.
1 working in Burgos (Spain) until the month of January 2012
1 stop for technical review in Mem Martins (Pt).
Conditionnement : EXWorks
Quantite : 2
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