EspaceAgro selleco

Second Hand Drilling Rigs - Italie

Second hand drilling rigs - matériels machines we can propose brand new drilling rigs for water resarch and geotechnical drilling truck mounted and crawler mounted--we can propose second hand drilling rigs for geotechnical drilling purposes,  water drilling purposes,  special foundation purposes,  tunnel drilling,  geothermal drilling and so on..--m
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°325630:   30/06/2018 11:58:12
we can propose brand new drilling rigs for water resarch and geotechnical drilling truck mounted and crawler mounted
we can propose second hand drilling rigs for geotechnical drilling purposes, water drilling purposes, special foundation purposes, tunnel drilling, geothermal drilling and so on..
more than this we can offer ancillary equipment like pumps, mixers, injectors, grouting unit, jet grouting pumps and so on..
more than this we can propose brand new and used tools like rods, tri blades, tricones, dth hammer, adaptors,and so on...
we have a workshop of 2300 square meters where 12 people work overhaulin used drilling rigs and manufacturing brand new ones
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