EspaceAgro selleco

TUNNELIER Travaux Souterrains FORAGE - Suisse

TUNNELIER Travaux  souterrains - FORAGE  - matériels machines additional information-----hole diameter 3436 mm----she drilled 3000 meters in soft rock. it is trivial to wear on the machine because it is prepared to work hard rock and a machine of this type is at least 20, 000 meters without mechanical intervention other than routine replacement of worn parts.--
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°79898:   09/05/2012 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

Additional Information:

Hole diameter 3436 mm

She drilled 3000 meters in soft rock. It is trivial to wear on the machine because it is prepared to work hard rock and a machine of this type is at least 20,000 meters without mechanical intervention other than routine replacement of worn parts.
The machine is in exceptional condition.
Railway equipment accompanying was bought used. It is not exactly new, but quite sufficient to support the tunnel during its useful life.
We also mussels and handling equipment for the manufacture of the segments

Conditions tarifaires : 3.800.000 euros
Quantite : 1
Prix : 3.800.000 euros
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