EspaceAgro selleco

100% Liqud Organic Fertilizer - Cameroun

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°491891:   09/07/2021 10:04:43
which has reached an organic form with 158 different types of bacteria and whole as a result of the final process, absolutely no other supplementary nutrients are needed. in other words, nutrients such as soil conditioner, fertilizer base, zinc, potassium, urea etc. are not used in using.
orpex f06 can be used alone from the seed or seedling period to the end of harvest, thereby achieving the perfect result. with min 3 lt per decare (min 4 lt in tree farming), a great amount of fertilizer cost savings are achieved. in addition, although the cultivated agricultural land has not been destroyed too chemically, the soil will react as high fertility with the use of the right fertilizer.established with the aim to invest in various sectors in turkey, is a manufacturing and marketing company.
Capacite indiquée
Our aim is not only to expand the market share, but also to raise all the standards of the company. In order to ensure this, our team working on necessary market analyzes, identifying possible threats, and creating processes after joint evaluation. In this way, together with our colleagues and our suppliers we take the lead, especially Turkey's dependence on foreign finish in the agricultural sector, to repair the damage caused by chemical fertilizers, we are progressing towards our land to rest
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