EspaceAgro selleco

Recherche Acheteur Pour De L'or En Bullion - Gabon

Recherche acheteur pour de l'or en bullion  - métaux commodity description----the commodity that the seller will sell to the buyer is specified as follow-----1.commodity- gold dore bars-- terms-25.000 kg(+) per month for 12 monthswith rolls --and extensions; moq 50 kg per shipment.----3.trial- min100 kg without discount payment after assa
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°627025:   04/01/2024 09:44:19
commodity description

the commodity that the seller will sell to the buyer is specified as follow:

1.commodity: gold dore bars terms:25.000 kg(+) per month for 12 monthswith rolls
and extensions; moq 50 kg per shipment.

3.trial: min100 kg without discount payment after assay report ( sbc mt 760 )


5.form: gold dore bars

6.quality:delivered at22/23 carats (as per certificate of analysis at

7.fineness:delivered at 97%+ purity per thousand of the fine gold
orbetter (as per certificate of analysis / assay at origin)

8.price:lbma/kg 10%net
(2% for the intermediaries paid by the buyer: 1% seller side |1% buyer

9.1.mt103 after assay report
9.2.guarantee for contract (instrument): bank guarantee (bg)or
sblc ( mt 760 )
9.3.payment towards shipment invoice: mt103 after assay report

10.quality:22/23 carats

11.packaging:internationally accepted metal box by air by internationally accredited secure logistics company

13.designated airport:dubai, uae
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