EspaceAgro selleco


STATUT NON DEFINIACHAT  N°648382:   23/07/2024 13:57:47
cathode copper trading and payment requirements
1. the buyer purchases 150,000 tons of cathode copper per month from the seller.
the seller shall send 5000 tons of goods to the buyer every day.
2. signing spa the buyer shall send a letter of credit of 10,000 tons to the seller as the
transaction guarantee, the letter of credit is valid for 365 days +1 days
3. after the signing of the contract, the seller shall send the goods to the buyer's
warehouse in the designated foreign port of cooperation bonded area. after the buyer
receives the goods, he shall pay 100%tt to the seller for each payment, and so on until
the end of the contract
4. the buyer needs to provide 2% pb of l/c as transaction guarantee
5. once the buyer and seller sign the spa, the seller's bank shall send pb2% to the buyer'
s bank within 5 working days after the buyer's bank receives pb, the buyer's bank shall
send mt720 to the seller's bank, valid for 365 days plus one day, and mt720 shall
guarantee the interests of this transaction
Conditions tarifaires : 8000
Quantite : 1800000 MT
Prix : 8000
Précisions indiquées
Hi everyone, I'm from Marseille, south France. I'll be glad to collaborate with you and your teams to provide your customers. I can speak French, English and Spanish fluently, and translation won't be a problem for me. Looking forward for a great partnership ! King regards from France.

Pays: France
Type activite: courtier
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