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olive leaves - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
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Olive Leaves  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

VENTE  fr   548690. Dried Leaf Powder(Wild Olive, Eucalyptus...) |  producteur matiere vegetale 

we are a company specialized in the artisanal drying of medicinal and aromatic plants according to the seasons. among these plants we have organic dried leaves of the oleaster which we wish to market abroad. to this end, if this approach interests you, we will be very happy to send you a sample so that you can analyze it in your laboratories. our desert also abounds in rare plants unliv ...
Annonceur de Algerie

Rubrique : matiere vegetale | producteur matiere vegetale | producteur matiere vegetale Algerie |
VENTE  fr   144644. Gélules Aloé Vera Et Les Feuilles Des Oliviers |  grossiste matiere vegetale 

olive leaves contain an active ingredient, which play a central role in regulating blood pressure, and in protecting against coronary heart rate). it helps to get and maintain optimal vascular health through the reduction of unhealthy fats. they help to regulate body fluid balance. also, they play an important role in reducing lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. they not only help to  ...
- 10 Euro/ piéce
- Quantite :infinie
-Pour voir la marque concernee par cette annonce, vous devez etre membre d'EspaceAgro
Annonceur de Tunisie

Rubrique : matiere vegetale | grossiste matiere vegetale | grossiste matiere vegetale Tunisie |
ACHAT  fr   99491. Dried olive leaves |  courtier matiere vegetale 

need dried olive leaves packed in 25 kg bags. please provide technical analysis and references. need in three months timeframe. ...
- 1
- Quantite :1
Annonceur de Tunisie

Rubrique : matiere vegetale | courtier matiere vegetale | courtier matiere vegetale Tunisie |
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