EspaceAgro selleco

Recherche Urgente De 590-10ppm En TTV DIP&PAY - Maroc

Client EspaceAgroACHAT  N°657352:   07/10/2024 12:01:52 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

bonjour, suite à une demande importante nous avons besoin de diesel 590 10ppm en urgence en ttv à fujairah aux émirats avec la procédure suivante :

1. issuance of icpo:
the buyer issues an irrevocable corporate purchase order (icpo) along with a charter party agreement (cpa).
2. commercial invoice:
the seller issues a commercial invoice (ci) for the available quantity in storage at fujairah port. the buyer must sign and return the invoice within 48 hours.
3. documents provided by the seller:
the seller will provide the buyer with the following documents:
o refinery commitment letter to supply
o tank storage receipt (tsr)
o authorization for electronic verification of product (atv)
o injection report
o product availability statement
o notarized ncnda/impa approved by the seller’s bank
o authorization to sell and collect (atsc)
o unconditional dip test authorization (udta)
4. dip test:
the buyer, in coordination with the seller, arranges a dip test within 48 hours of receiving the documents. the test will be conducted by sgs, intertek, or saybolt.
5. post dip test documents:
upon successful completion of the dip test, the seller will provide the buyer with:
o fresh sgs (or intertek/saybolt) inspection report no older than 48 hours
o certificate of origin
o product passport
6. vessel or tank information:
the buyer shall provide vessel details (cpa, q88) and full captain details along with readiness to receive fuel (rtrf). alternatively, the buyer may issue the tsr for injection into their tanks.
7. injection and transfer of ownership:
the seller coordinates with the vessel captain or tank farm to initiate injection and provides the title of ownership certificate along with all necessary export documentation.
8. payment:
the buyer makes full payment by mt103 or telegraphic transfer (tt) within 48 hours after the injection is completed.

Conditions tarifaires : a négocier
Restrictions : russie
Conditionnement : TANKER
Quantite : 300 000 tonnes
Prix : a négocier
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 Société spécialisé dans la négoce de carburants, aéronautique et fourniture à l'industrie lourde
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