EspaceAgro selleco


TUNISIEN MARBLE - pierre roche dear sirs,  --we,  all import export  company,  take this opportunity  to introduce our selves as one of the most inportant company in tunisia.--we are exporting different type of marbel thala beige,  grey foussena,  thala grey,  black aziza,  cheverny…-- to all over the world like, --italy,  france,  jordan,
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°329576:   01/08/2018 17:24:54
dear sirs,
we, all import export company, take this opportunity to introduce our selves as one of the most inportant company in tunisia.
we are exporting different type of marbel thala beige, grey foussena, thala grey, black aziza, cheverny…
to all over the world like,
italy, france, jordan, lebanon, marroc, usa, china,…
thala beige, grey foussena, black aziza, thala grey are more demanded in the world markets.
we can supply in blocks, slabs, flag stones…
we attach some pictures of our product.
if you are interested, please inform us so that we can send to you samples and prices for your study and further decision.
best regards

Conditions tarifaires : 150£
Quantite : 100 TON
Prix : 150£
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