EspaceAgro selleco

Import Of Food Products - Morocco

STATUT NON DEFINIBuying  N°290570:   30/09/2017 15:22:30
we are importer & exporter and in morocco for food products, we are expending our distribution products to satisfy our clients in morocco ( restaurants, supermarket and fast foods ), we are looking for this kind of products halal of course like : peeled shrimps 50/70 (crevette decortiqué)+ black tiger shrimps 1kg paquet (crevette grise 1kg) + ilex squid size u7 (pota calmar) + cheese for pizza mozzarela pizzarella analogue + gouda + edam cheese + different sauces for chips frensh fries and tortilla size 13 / 20
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 SECTEUR D´ACTIVITÉ: Import & Export Agroalimentaire, Distribution, vente, commerce de gros DESCRIPTION DE L'ENTREPRISE: Notre entreprise d’import -export et d’élaboration, conditionnement et de distribution des produits agro-alimentaires ainsi que les produits de la mer D’expérience professionnelle déjà acquise depuis plusieurs années, avec nos autre sociétés du groupe offrons la meilleure qualité, service et prix et cela dans le respect des normes d’hygiène exigées par les autorités compétentes. Nous sommes des importateurs des produits alimentaires surgelés.
Be careful for example if members only want to exchange by email.
Be careful with too much bargains
Don t send money for example by western union, but use the service of your bank.
Work with your banks, and ask them to secure your transaction Use the services of an official freight forwarder you know
Check that all the documents received from your contact are not fake. Do not hesitate to contact the company directly on its official telephone number to verify this information..
don t send any document if you are not sure of your interlocutor
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