EspaceAgro selleco

TUNA OFFER - Senegal

Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°406886:   28/02/2020 18:24:37
international trading company based in senegal and dealing in agro business and particulary in export fish (pelagics,cephalopod, shellfish, critacean etc) .we export alive, fresh and frozen (board and land), whole or elaborate products of sea of origin of senegal (fao 34 center east). the products are treated in factories ornamented eu following the rules of hygiene in force of haccp we can offer you also many of goods seed and grains , cashew nuts, kernel peanuts,sugar,mango, fishmeal etc
we offer you now tuna skip jack and yellow fine
if you are interested , please let us now
Tariff conditions : 1400$
Packaging : bulk shipment
Quantity : 200
Cost : 1400$
société d’exportation et de négoce international de produits de mer basée au SENEGAL. Nous exportons des produits de mer frais et congelés, entier ou élaborés d’origine du Sénégal (FAO Zone 34 centre Est). Les produits sont traités dans des usines agrémentés U.E. suivant les règles d’hygiène en vigueur d’HACCP. D’autres parts on a un réseau très élargi de fournisseur à

country: Senegal
Type activity: Producer
Indicated capacity
Nous disposons d'agrement GACC et ISO9001 2015 et nos propres unites de production t de traitement
Official information provided by the advertiser
The advertiser says that he is a COMPANY
The advertiser declares to be able to provide on request:
Main bank
Official documents
Registration number
L'annonceur declare être une ENTREPRISE
l'annonceur declare pouvoir fournir sur demande:
Main bank
Official documents
Registration number
 Nous disposon de certificat - ISO9001-2015 -IATA certificate -GACC certificate
Be careful for example if members only want to exchange by email.
Be careful with too much bargains
Don t send money for example by western union, but use the service of your bank.
Work with your banks, and ask them to secure your transaction Use the services of an official freight forwarder you know
Check that all the documents received from your contact are not fake. Do not hesitate to contact the company directly on its official telephone number to verify this information..
don t send any document if you are not sure of your interlocutor
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