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powder poudre - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierpowder poudre

powder poudre Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  660039. COOPER POWDER/ POUDRE DE CUIVRE |   metals  04/11/2024 22:40:57

we have 400 kg of pure cooper powder for sale, able to ship it everywhere in the world nous disposons de 400kg de cuivre en poudre a vendre. only accpeting inquiry from interested buyers. ...
- Quantity :400 KG
Advertiser from etats unis

Category : metals | etats unis |  
Selling  fr  616040. Baobab powder/ poudre De Baobab |   Producer fruits and vegetables  02/11/2024 20:48:31

we are a company specializing in the production of baobab powder. we supply fine baobab powder, baobab fruit (bouye) pulp in large quantities. we are based in west africa in benin. we supply very fine baobab powder sifted with vibrating sieves ; harvested in the wild and in its natural state. we strictly control our production line ourselves. we accept visits to our production site and duri ...
- négociable
- Limit :international
- Packaging :Au gré du preneur
- Quantity :15t
Advertiser from Benin

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Benin |  
Buying  fr  651508. poudre De Fromage |   Producer milk and milk products  21/08/2024 17:31:30

hello, we are a subsidiary france based in morocco. we are looking for cheese powder. do you have this article and could you give me more information on your cheese powders ? best regards  ...
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : milk and milk products | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr  625064. Baobab Fruit And powder Pain De Singe |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts  14/12/2023 22:49:24

nous sommes une société spécialisée dans la production de la poudre de baobab très fine tamisée avec des tamis vibrant sans sable ni résidu. nous fournissons en gros et en détail le fruit de baobab, la poudre de baobab et les graines de baobab. nous proposons des contrats équitable avec toute transparence et éligible. merci  ...
- 4$
- Limit :international
- Packaging :Au gré du preneur
- Quantity :50 T
Advertiser from Benin

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer Benin |  
Selling  fr  612969. Vends Produits Cacao Cocoa |   Agent coffee cocoa tea  19/09/2023 16:37:43

basé à abidjan fournit des clients dans le monde entier sur les produits cacao comme les fêves mais aussi liqueur, poudre, beurre, tourteaux, brisures ...etc. on peut fournir des gros tonnages comme 10000 à 20000 t voir plus si necessaire en mode fob abidjan. emporium trade ltd is an abidjan ( ivory coast) company which supplies cocoa products globally like cocoa beans, liquor or mass coco ...
Advertiser from France

powder poudre  Category : coffee cocoa tea | Agent France |  
Selling  fr  612912. Baobab Fruit And powder |   Producer fruits and vegetables  19/09/2023 11:16:16

nous sommes une société spécialisée dans la production de la poudre de baobab. nous fournissons de la poudre de baobab très fine tamiser avec des tamis vibrant, des fruits de baobab sélectionnés , des calibres de 50% de poudre nous fournissons nos fruits avec un certificat phytosanitaire agréé. nous proposons des contrats équitable avec des engagements éligibles et trançable . merci  ...
- 1kg=0,5€/1€ euros
- Limit :international
- Packaging :Au gré du preneur
- Quantity :50t
Advertiser from Benin

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Benin |  
Selling  fr  582442. Lait Instantané En poudre 28% De Matières Grasses |   Producer milk and milk products  30/01/2023 16:50:14

nous proposons du lait instantané en poudre 28% de matières grasses et 24% de protéines excellents pour la fabrication de yaourts. emballage 25 kgs de production fraîche d'origine européenne conditions de paiement 25% / 75% contre documents. aussi disponible : lait en poudre chargé en matières grasses 28 matières grasses et 20% de protéines lait en poudre chargé en matières grasses 28 mat ...
- 2600 euro per tonne
- Packaging :25 kg
Advertiser from Poland

Category : milk and milk products | Producer Poland |  
Selling  fr  564713. Pain De Singe,baobab En poudre,pulpe |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts  27/09/2022 16:09:15

hello we are a baobab powder production company. we can supply baobab powder, baobab fruits, baobab pulp and baobab seeds. we are interested in cooperating with the buyer hoping for a long term partnership. visit and quality control granted. we are ready for any physical meeting for more fruitful collaboration. we have the best quality baobab powder. . please contact us for more ...
- négociable
- Limit :international
- Packaging :Selon l'exigence de l'acheteur
- Quantity :unlimited
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Advertiser from Benin

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer Benin |  
Selling  fr  564710. Fruit De Baobab ;en poudre Et Pulpe |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts  27/09/2022 15:58:47

we are a baobab powder production company. we can supply baobab powder, baobab fruits, baobab pulp and baobab seeds. we are interested in cooperating with the buyer hoping for a long term partnership. visit and quality control granted. we are ready for any physical meeting for more fruitful collaboration. we have the best quality baobab powder. . please contact us for more.  ...
- 1kg=0,5€/1€ euros
- Limit :international
- Packaging :Selon l'exigence de l'acheteur
- Quantity :illimité.
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Advertiser from Benin

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer Benin |  
Selling  fr  507301. Rhassoul Ghassoul poudre/powder Export |   Producer other 

english/french/arab since 2012 we have exported rhassoul / ghassoul / moroccan lava clay to clients in europe. we are searching for new clients for our line of products. we are currently selling the following rhassoul products for export: depuis 2012, nous exportons du rhassoul/ghassoul/argile de lave marocaine vers des clients en europe. nous recherchons de nouveaux clients pour notre gamme de ...
- 1.6 euro/kg
- Limit :No geographical limit.
- Packaging :25Kg bags/sachet
- Quantity :25 ton
Advertiser from Morocco

powder poudre  Category : other | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr  506760. NEW! Moringa BabyPowder Poudre De Bebe Etc. |   Producer other 

100% natural moringa baby powder to remove red skin irritation and heal skin fast. is also suitable for for adults, elderly suffering skin rash. product ingredients are based on clay + moroccan lavaclay ( rhassoul ghassoul rasul ) and moringa oleifera powder. all over the world babies are suffering from redness causing skin irritation and talc is not the way to treat this condition. neither i ...
- 1.4 - 1.8 euro per pcs
- Limit :No geographical limit.
- Packaging :Certified food grade packaging
- Quantity :160000 pcs
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : other | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr  487803. Cocoa Nibs, Cocoa powder, Cocoa Butter |   Manufacturer coffee cocoa tea 

fabricant de cocoa nibs, beurre de cacao, poudre de cacao. nous avons nos propres unités de transformation à abidjan. prix bas, qualité, conseil et suivi. we offer cocoa product such as: cocoa powder, cocoa nibs, cocoa butter. we are certified manufacturer and exporter with more than 10 years of experience in the cocoa business. we source raw cocoa beans direct from farmer in ivory coast ...
- Packaging :25kg, 50kg bag
Advertiser from France

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Manufacturer France |  
Selling  fr  449046. Potential Buyers Of Organic Baobab powder |  Committee other 

we are from burkina faso and baobab powder export is our main activity; we are looking for potential buyers all over the world. we are a group of producers and we have five tons of this precious powder available; please only potential buyers but no canvassers; 100% satisfaction guaranteed. nous sommes au burkina faso et l'exportation de poudre de baobab est notre activité principale ; nous rech ...
- Quantity :05 tonnes
Advertiser from Burkina

Category : other | Committee Burkina |  
Selling  fr  444972. Amande, Poudre D'mande, Almond Almond Powder |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts 

hello, we are supplier of almond and almond powder. our company is based on turkey. our products is bio and with affordable price. we are available at any time at your disposal. we want to be your main supplier. please contact us for more details. ...
Advertiser from France

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer France |  
Buying  fr  416369. Epices/Spices |   Producer aromatic spices 

bonjour, je suis a la recherche d'une entreprise ou quelqu'un qui peut me fournir des "épices" (tout type): cumin, paprika, fenugrec, oignons secs, persil, coriandre, curry, feuilles de menthe sèche, graines de sésame, citron vert séché, fenouil, cayenne, cannelle. cardamone, safran, curcuma, tumac, poudre d'ail, pour n'en nommer que quelques uns. veuillez m'envoyer ce que vou ...
Advertiser from Senegal

powder poudre  Category : aromatic spices | Producer Senegal |  
Selling  fr  357602. Supplier For Unsalted Butter Milk powder |   Producer milk and milk products 

we are located in uae. leading supplier of milk powder, unsalted butter, whey powder & other items in u.a.e & all over the world . we are importing directly from new zealand and europe huge quantities to supply middle east and african countries at a very competitive prices. we are doing the packing of milk powder in different sizes (tins or pouch) as per the customer requirement in their brand ...
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Advertiser from United Arab Emirates

Category : milk and milk products | Producer United Arab Emirates |  
Buying  fr  360390. Quotation Milk Powder/Lait En poudre |   milk and milk products 

milk powder 28 % 1 contenaire 40 ft dakar port milk powder 28% 1contenaire 40ft conakry port 1 or 2 kg as free samples for testing mandatory. ...
- na
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : milk and milk products | Senegal |  
Buying  fr  322361. poudre à Lessive à Main |   Wholesaler hygiene maintenance 

cherchons fournisseur de poudre à lessive à main tide ou autre paquets de 110 gr looking for hand washing powder packs 110 gr tide or other  ...
- Quantity :Un conteneur 40 pieds par mois
Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : hygiene maintenance | Wholesaler Tunisia |  
Selling  fr  315617. Poudre De Lait, Oeufs (liquides Ou Frais), poudre |   Manufacturer meat and eggs 

nous sommes producteur et distributeur de produits alimentaires. nous éliminons la poudre d'oeuf, le poudrier végétal, le lait en poudre et séparons d'autres produits. en outre avec des partenaires locaux, nous sommes en mesure d'offrir toutes sortes d'autres priduits. il suffit de demander, nous allons vérifier si nous l'avons! we are producer and distributor of food products. we dispose e ...
- Non
- Limit :Non
- Quantity :Non
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Advertiser from Spain

Category : meat and eggs | Manufacturer Spain |  
Selling  fr  290281. Green, Yellow, Pink Clay In powder For Cosmetics. |   Producer stone rock 

we can supply all quantities of green, red, yellow, brown and pink clays. all these products are ours and directly from the source. nous vendons l'argile verte en poudre pour l'industrie cosmétique. notre produit est tunisien de bonne qualité avec possibilité de fournir les bulletins d'analyse pour les clients sérieux. ...
- Quantity :15T
Advertiser from Tunisia

powder poudre  Category : stone rock | Producer Tunisia |  
Selling  fr  287780. Lait En poudre En Sac De 25 Kg |   Agent milk and milk products 

whole milk powder is made of pasteurized skimmed milk by condensation and drying and fit for food after reestablishing in boiled water in propotion 1:10 or use for preparing dairy meals and products (cottage cheese, kefir, clotted milk, porridge, soup etc). whole milk is a concentrate of biologically active substances and substances, contained in whole milk. skimmed milk powder has a long s ...
- 3.7 USD par KG CFR Abidjan
- Packaging :Sac de 25 Kg
Advertiser from Ivory Coast

Category : milk and milk products | Agent Ivory Coast |  
Selling  fr  254067. Lait poudre MILK POWDER FOR SALE |   milk and milk products 

sell milk powder at very good price for more info ; sell milk powder at very good price for more info sell milk powder at very good for more info  ...
- 180/Kg
- Limit :1KG
- Packaging :Courier
- Quantity :10000TONS
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Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : milk and milk products | Cameroon |  
Selling  fr  253534. Byer Of Natural Produit Et Partenaires |   seed plant seed 

nous sommes á la recherche des partenaires et des acheteurs de différents de produits venant de l afrique. des produits comme la beurre de karité; bissap(poudre ou feuille) gincgembre, le pain de singe, le miel , lenoix de cajoux, aracachide etc.. nous pouvons vous fournir un échantillon pour tester. on peux envoyer dans tout les pays. we are looking for partners and buyer of differe ...
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : seed plant seed | Senegal |  
Selling  fr  248244. MILK POWDER/LAIT EN POUDRE CIF 1499 EUR/TON |   Wholesaler milk and milk products 

fat filled milk powder (vegetable fat) from poland. ffmp 26/10 fat 26%, protein 10% cfr casablanca, dakar etc. 1499 eur/ton fat rempli poudre de lait (graisse végétale) de la pologne. ffmp 26/10 26% de matières grasses, 10% de protéines cfr casablanca, dakar, etc. 1499 eur / tonne ...
- 1499 EUR/TON
- Limit :NO
- Quantity :1000
Advertiser from Poland

Category : milk and milk products | Wholesaler Poland |  
Selling  fr  214124. Lait Entier Yahourt En poudre, Lait Concentre |   milk and milk products 

instant full cream milk powder me & my packing: tin: 400grs, 900grs, 2.5kg sweeten condensed milk / beverage creamer me & my packing: tin: 390grs, 1kg yogurt powder drink my lait packing: sachet: 25grs  ...
- to be discussed
- Limit :Export vers l'Afrique
- Packaging :Sachet, boite, Carton
- Quantity :to be discussed
Advertiser from Singapore

powder poudre  Category : milk and milk products | Singapore |  
Selling  fr  180464. Lait En poudre 400 GR |   Agent milk and milk products 

we supply powder milk from 1 to 3 years, one plus (growing up formula) in carton of 24 tins x 400 gms net weight. with arabic and english labeling. easy open tins with red plastic cover. quantity minimum: 1 container 40 feet.  ...
Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : milk and milk products | Agent Tunisia |  
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best relationships between countries
1.) France France
2.) Algérie France
3.) Maroc France
4.) France Cameroun
5.) Tunisie France
6.) Canada France
7.) Côte D Ivoire France
8.) France Maurice
9.) Bénin France
10.) Sénégal France
11.) France Côte D Ivo
12.) Belgique France
13.) Côte D Ivoire Côte D Ivo
14.) Italie France
15.) Algérie Cameroun
16.) Côte D Ivoire Suède
17.) Cameroun France
18.) Chine France
19.) France Espagne
20.) Tunisie Cameroun
21.) Côte D Ivoire Cameroun
22.) Tunisie Maurice
23.) Algérie Algérie
24.) Burkina Faso France
25.) Congo France
26.) Espagne France
27.) France Belgique
28.) France Libye
29.) Royaume-Uni France
30.) Algérie Afrique du
31.) Algérie Canada
32.) Algérie Espagne
33.) Algérie Maurice
34.) Allemagne France
35.) France Togo
36.) Mauritanie France
37.) Pays-Bas France
38.) Togo Cameroun
39.) Togo France
40.) Algérie Côte D Ivo
41.) Belgique Côte D Ivo
42.) Canada Maurice
43.) France Canada
44.) Ghana France
45.) Italie Côte D Ivo
46.) Algérie Pologne
47.) Algérie Tunisie
48.) Belgique Cameroun
49.) Bulgarie France
50.) Canada Côte D Ivoire