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producteur cacao - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierproducteur cacao

producteur cacao Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  657418. Vente Fèves De cacao Sale Of Cocoa Beans |   Producer coffee cocoa tea  07/10/2024 20:42:11

nous avons une expérience de 5 ans dans la vente de cacao, avec des références en europe et en asie. nous fournissons du cacao de bonne qualité. notre prix est fob boma ou matadi (ports de la rd congo). nous acceptons la sblc ou la lettre de crédit irrévocable, confirmée et transférable comme terme de paiement. we have 5 years experience in selling cocoa, with references in europe and asia. we  ...
- Packaging :Sac en toile de jute
- Quantity :25 tonnes ou plus
Advertiser from Congo RDC

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Congo RDC |  
Selling  fr  624361. Coffee, Cocoa, Nuts ,Mango And Natural Rubber |   Producer coffee cocoa tea  06/01/2024 14:12:04

we are a company looking for suppliers and buyers of the following products: cashew nuts coffee cacao mango, and natural rubber ...
Advertiser from etats unis

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer etats unis |  
Selling  fr  584796. Beurre De cacao 100% Pure Sans Additif |   Producer fat  16/02/2023 13:12:31

beurre de cacao 100% pure sans additif a vendre. nous écrire si intéressé ...
- Limit :Monde
- Quantity :1 tonne
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : fat | Producer Cameroon |  
Buying  fr  577696. Research For Suppliers |   Agent aromatic spices  29/12/2022 23:18:47

we are looking for serious producers and suppliers of cocoa beans, raw cashew nuts, dried pepper, penja pepper and lime, capable of supplying large quantities. recherche fournisseurs : cacao, noix de cajou, piment séché, citron vert. contact us ...
- Packaging :Jute bag packaging / FOB
- Quantity :100 MT min.
Advertiser from Guyana French

Category : aromatic spices | Agent Guyana French |  
Selling  fr  576511. Fresh Produce From Togo |   Producer fruits and vegetables  18/12/2022 23:27:24

we are based in togo west africa and is one of the players in the production, purchase, storage, transformation and marketing of cereal and vegetable produce and other produce. we have expertise in the production and trade of agricultural products. some of our commodities include soybeans, cashew nuts, sesame seeds, ginger, shea nuts, ginger, okra, sweet potato, chili pepper, coco  ...
Advertiser from etats unis

producteur cacao  Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer etats unis |  
Selling  fr  552211. Exportateurs Des Produits Locaux |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts  10/07/2022 16:50:37

hello, we are exporters of local products like beans , cacao, peppers from madagascar, we can export with papers legals. if you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us. ...
- 250$ per kilo
- Packaging :Par caisse
- Quantity :100Kg à 300kg
Advertiser from Madagascar

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer Madagascar |  
Selling  fr  550447. Cacao |   Producer coffee cocoa tea  29/06/2022 10:25:10

hello sir my company is willing to offer you all the product ranges concerning good quality fruits at a good price you can contact us on whatapps  ...
Advertiser from Benin

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Benin |  
Selling  fr  482533. CACAO NACIONAL FINO DE AROMA ECUADOR |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

with its unique geographic conditions, as well as its wealth of biological resources, is the best producer of the fine flavour cocoa, arriba, (with 63% of the world’s production). this cacao comes from the nation’s national variety, and has been recognized for centuries on the international market for its unique flavours. this type of cocoa is used for the manufacturing of chocolates, which  ...
Advertiser from Ecuador

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Ecuador |  
Other  fr  457891. Collaboration In Coffee Production |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

we are looking for a collaboration in coffee, cacao, tea production. we have the land, the seed, the employees and the experiences needed to produce the finest coffee in madagascar for export. all we need is someone with whom we can work for a long term contract.  ...
Advertiser from Madagascar

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Madagascar |  
Selling  fr  456219. Café, cacao, Igname, Piment, Mango, Haricots |   Producer fruits and vegetables 

producteur de café, cacao, igname, piment, mango, haricots (pois) noir, ; gluten free farine d’igname et de cassave; désinfectant pour les mains a base de plante en gel et en liquide.  ...
Advertiser from etats unis

producteur cacao  Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer etats unis |  
Other  fr  448649. Looking To Purchase Cacao Plantation |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

looking to purchase a coffee/cacao plantation preferable in cote d'ivoire; in need of a partner to structure a deal. message me if interested, i come from a family of cacao plantation owners and insiders. thank you. en recherche d'un partenaire pour structurer un deal pour acheter un terrain/plantation de café cacao en cote d'ivoire. actuellement basé en europe. envoyez mon un message si intér ...
Advertiser from France

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer France |  
Selling  fr  435880. Importateur |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

we are a maritime compagny shipping, we are looking for wholesalers/importators to buy our raw materials! : cocoa coffee, palm oil, fish , shellfish.... nous sommes une compagnie d'expédition maritime, nous recherchons des grossistes/importateurs pour acheter nos matières premières : cacao café, huile de palme, soja, caoutchouc poissons et crustacés ...
Advertiser from Ivory Coast

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Ivory Coast |  
Buying  fr  415860. Produits Agricoles |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts 

nous vendons des produits agricoles origine de cote d'ivoire plus precisement fèves de cacao et les sous produits beurre , poudre.., grains de café, noix de cajou et les amende décortiqué, les mangues , ananas, papaye solo, banane, grain de karité et bien d'autres de l'afrique de l'ouest ...
- Packaging :conteneurs
- Quantity :grands volume
Advertiser from France

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer France |  
Other  fr  409258. RECHERCHE ACHETEURS DE CACAO CAFE |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

we are a professional company specialized in exporting raw materials from cameroon such as cocoa and coffee. we are looking for potential buyers of cocoa, coffee and agriculture products from cameroun. do you seek for legal representative in cameroon ? feel free to contact us. ...
Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Cameroon |  
Selling  fr  400857. Fèves De Tonka, Pulpe D'açaï, Huile De Copaiba |   Producer aromatic spices 

bonjour, nous avons un large catalogue de produits naturels provenant de l'amazonie vénézuélienne. nous pouvons vous proposer des produits tels que les fèves de tonka, la pulpe d'acai, l'huile de copaiba, la pulpe de copoazu, le cacao, le miel de la jungle et bien d'autres produits.. nous disposons actuellement de ces produits avec les permis correspondants. j'espère que nous pourrons  ...
- 16.50 UsD / Kg
- Packaging :Yute Bags and drums
- Quantity :More than 500 Kg
Advertiser from Argentina

producteur cacao  Category : aromatic spices | Producer Argentina |  
Selling  fr  395797. Cacoa Du Cameroon Ver La Suisse |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

suis un jeune camerounais vivant en suisse fils d'un cultivateur de cacao et veux trouver de acheteur potenteilles pour exporter le cacoa directement sans passer par des intermediare et crée un reseau de clients entranger. ...
Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Cameroon |  
Selling  fr  376551. Cacao |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

nous pouvons vous fournir tous les produits de cacao dont vous avez besoin. cacao powder , beurre de cacao.... ...
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr  374765. Cocoa Beans |   Producer coffee cocoa tea 

cocoa bean cocoa is the dried and fully fermented fatty seed of the cacao tree from which chocolate is made. "cocoa" can often also refer to the drink commonly known as hot chocolate; cocoa powder, the dry powder made by grinding cocoa seeds and removing the cocoa butter from the dark, bitter cocoa solids; or it may refer to the combination of both cocoa powder and cocoa butter together ...
- Quantity :5000 MT
Advertiser from Latvia

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Producer Latvia |  
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best relationships between countries
1.) France France
2.) Algérie France
3.) Maroc France
4.) France Cameroun
5.) Tunisie France
6.) Canada France
7.) Côte D Ivoire France
8.) France Maurice
9.) Bénin France
10.) Sénégal France
11.) France Côte D Ivo
12.) Belgique France
13.) Côte D Ivoire Côte D Ivo
14.) Italie France
15.) Algérie Cameroun
16.) Côte D Ivoire Suède
17.) Cameroun France
18.) Chine France
19.) France Espagne
20.) Tunisie Cameroun
21.) Côte D Ivoire Cameroun
22.) Tunisie Maurice
23.) Algérie Algérie
24.) Burkina Faso France
25.) Congo France
26.) Espagne France
27.) France Belgique
28.) France Libye
29.) Royaume-Uni France
30.) Algérie Afrique du
31.) Algérie Canada
32.) Algérie Espagne
33.) Algérie Maurice
34.) Allemagne France
35.) France Togo
36.) Mauritanie France
37.) Pays-Bas France
38.) Togo Cameroun
39.) Togo France
40.) Algérie Côte D Ivo
41.) Belgique Côte D Ivo
42.) Canada Maurice
43.) France Canada
44.) Ghana France
45.) Italie Côte D Ivo
46.) Algérie Pologne
47.) Algérie Tunisie
48.) Belgique Cameroun
49.) Bulgarie France
50.) Canada Côte D Ivoire