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producteur moringa oleifera - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierproducteur moringa oleifera

producteur moringa oleifera Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  507301. Rhassoul Ghassoul Poudre/powder Export |   Producer other 

english/french/arab since 2012 we have exported rhassoul / ghassoul / moroccan lava clay to clients in europe. we are searching for new clients for our line of products. we are currently selling the following rhassoul products for export: depuis 2012, nous exportons du rhassoul/ghassoul/argile de lave marocaine vers des clients en europe. nous recherchons de nouveaux clients pour notre gamme de ...
- 1.6 euro/kg
- Limit :No geographical limit.
- Packaging :25Kg bags/sachet
- Quantity :25 ton
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : other | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr  506760. NEW! Moringa BabyPowder Poudre De Bebe Etc. |   Producer other 

100% natural moringa baby powder to remove red skin irritation and heal skin fast. is also suitable for for adults, elderly suffering skin rash. product ingredients are based on clay + moroccan lavaclay ( rhassoul ghassoul rasul ) and moringa oleifera powder. all over the world babies are suffering from redness causing skin irritation and talc is not the way to treat this condition. neither i ...
- 1.4 - 1.8 euro per pcs
- Limit :No geographical limit.
- Packaging :Certified food grade packaging
- Quantity :160000 pcs
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : other | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr  495889. Moringa Oleifera Seeds |   Producer seed plant seed 

we sell moringa oleifera seeds for planting and oil extraction, in small and large quantities. moringa seed is from the seeds of the moringa oleifera tree, and has been proven to be one of the finest for oils extraction, which could be used for both health, skin and hair. ...
- $5.15/kg
- Packaging :sacks
- Quantity :100kg
Advertiser from Ghana

Category : seed plant seed | Producer Ghana |  
Selling  fr  495886. Moringa Seed Oil |   Producer other 

moringa oil – beauty secret of ancient egyptians moringa oil, the beauty secret of ancient egyptians, is from the seeds of the moringa oleifera tree, and has been proven to be one of the finest oils for both health, skin and hair. it can be used on all types of skin: as a deep moisturiser, as an anti ageing agent, for treating acne and other skin conditions, for soothing minor cuts  ...
Advertiser from Ghana

Category : other | Producer Ghana |  
Selling  fr  328512. MORINGA OLEIFERA |   Producer roasted seeds and nuts 

nous sommes un groupement d'agriculteur basé à dolisie dans le sud ouest du congo brazzaville, nous proposons en gros de feuilles de moringa entières ou sous forme de poudre et thé issues de notre plantation de plus de 20ha garantie 100% bio séchage a l'ombre sous un hangar et dans un séchoir solaire, ecrasées au moulin sur place, conditionnement personnalisable prix affiché et très compétit ...
- 1 800 Euros/Tonne
- Limit :AUCUNE
- Packaging :Enveloppe alimentaire biodégradable d'un Kg
- Quantity :Quantité Illimité, contrat sérieux
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Advertiser from Congo RDC

producteur moringa oleifera  Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Producer Congo RDC |  
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