EspaceAgro selleco

Ethanol 99.9% Factory Supply In Stock - Royaume-Uni

Ethanol 99.9% Factory Supply In Stock - chimie additif engrais ethanol,  also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol,  is a volatile and flammable liquid. it is the primary alcohol found in alcoholic beverages and is produced through the fermentation of sugars by yeast. here are some key points about ethanol-----production- ethanol is primarily produced through
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°607621:   07/08/2023 12:03:25
ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, is a volatile and flammable liquid. it is the primary alcohol found in alcoholic beverages and is produced through the fermentation of sugars by yeast. here are some key points about ethanol:

production: ethanol is primarily produced through the fermentation of plant materials, such as corn, sugarcane, barley, and other grains. the fermentation process involves converting sugars into alcohol using yeast. ethanol can also be produced through chemical processes, such as the hydration of ethylene.

uses: ethanol has a wide range of applications. it is most commonly known as a component of alcoholic beverages, where it provides the intoxicating effects. additionally, ethanol has various industrial, pharmaceutical, and fuel applications. it is used as a solvent in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and personal care products. ethanol is also a key ingredient in many fuel blends, such as gasoline mixed with ethanol (bioethanol), which is used as an alternative and renewable fuel source.

properties: ethanol is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor and taste. it is highly volatile, meaning it evaporates quickly at room temperature. ethanol is miscible with water, meaning it can mix with water in all proportions. it has a lower density than water and boils at a lower temperature (around 78.4°c or 173.1°f).

flammability: ethanol is highly flammable, and it can ignite easily in the presence of an open flame, spark, or heat source. it is important to handle and store ethanol with caution, following appropriate safety measures and regulations.

health effects: ethanol is a psychoactive substance that can cause intoxication and impair judgment and coordination when consumed in large amounts. prolonged and excessive consumption of ethanol can lead to various health issues, including liver damage, cardiovascular problems, addiction, and other alcohol related disorders. it is important to consume ethanol containing beverages responsibly and in moderation.

it's worth noting that ethanol can be toxic if ingested in high concentrations or used improperly. it should not be consumed as a substitute for drinking alcohol or used as a disinfectant or hand sanitizer unless specifically formulated and intended for that purpose.

if you have any specific questions about ethanol or its applications, feel free to ask!
Conditions tarifaires : 250
Restrictions : Ceara
Quantite : 100 tons
Prix : 250
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