EspaceAgro selleco

Maltodextrin Food Grade Thickener - Royaume Uni

Maltodextrin Food Grade Thickener - chimie additif engrais maltodextrin is made from refined corn name- maltodextrin----molecular formula- (c6h10o5) n----product grade- food grade----application.- ----for the confection,  it can improve the taste,  tenacity and the structure o
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°604540:   12/07/2023 07:41:08
maltodextrin is made from refined corn starch
3.solubility: min98 6.5

product name: maltodextrin

molecular formula: (c6h10o5) n

product grade: food grade


for the confection, it can improve the taste, tenacity and the structure of foods, preventing recrystallization and extending shelf life. 

the beverages are scientifically prepared with maltodextrin, which add more flavors, soluble, consistent and delicious, and reduce sweet taste and cost. there are more advantages of these kinds of beverages than that of the traditional drinks and foods such as ice cream, fast tea and coffee etc. 

as a nice stuffing or carrier, it can be used in infant foods for improving their quality and heath care function. it is beneficial to children and infants. 


1). net 25 kg bag

2). according to customers' requirement

quality standard.: 

the quality conforms to bp / usp / fcc standard.
Conditions tarifaires : 900 per ton
Restrictions : Liege
Quantite : 1000 tons
Prix : 900 per ton
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