EspaceAgro selleco

Organic Fertilizers (vermicompost) - Russie

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°271982:   29/03/2017 07:39:11
organic fertilizer is using in open and protected agriculture, on private farm holdings and in cities by community facilities for restoration of lawn, ornamental trees and bushes vegetation. it is also using under the following cultures: grain, leguminous, industrial, feeding, vegetable, fruit, berry and flower crops.
organic fertilizer is suited the best for application in countries of africa and the near east. it occurs due to opportunity of the fertilizer to store moisture in soil which decreases the quantity of watering. survey figures that is much stronger agent influenced on soil characteristics then manure or mineral fertilizer and it is also the source of phosphorous for plant nutrient. there is practically no need in mineral fertilizer while using specified doses of .
using of fertilizer allows increasing soil fertility, crop production and provides environment protection. organic fertilizer application on agricultural soils in countries of africa and the near east allow increasing the quantity of basic plant nutrient elements, especially n (nitrogen), p (phosphorous), microelements z (zinc), cu (copper), mn (manganese) and others. it also improves physical features of soil, structure, water holding capacity and also decreases potential evaporation. the advantages of using in comparison with other organic fertilizer are the following: at first it helps to build fertile soil layer on sandy, sandy loam, clay and clay loam soils and also it helps to recultivate soils after leaching and erosion due to balanced content of components and special features of the fertilizer.
technology of the fertilizer distribution supposes using of the standard technique intended for agrochemical work. during the main application fertilizer is distributed evenly on the soil surface and ploughing. ploughing makes stronger effect on biological activity and nutrient regime of soil. the content of the mineral forms of nitrogen in ploughed soil rises on 32%, phosphorous – 8%, potassium – 18%. energy efficiency increases on 3,8%.
for creating of fertile layer on sandy, sandy loam and clay soils application rate is from 40 to 120 t/ha during 2 3 years. next years for maintaining of the fertile layer application rate is 15 20 t/ha. during the continual use of organic fertilizer the crop productivity is expected to increase average on such cultures as summer wheat – up to 41% (seed quality – the gluten content increase on 1 1,5%). maize – up to 20%. barley – up to 26%. buckwheat – up to 109 121%. sugar beat – up to 23%. increasing of the grape crop is up to 15%. maize green mass – up to 130 139%. straw – up to 13%.
systematical using of including the content of named above elements will help to make self supporting balance of microelements in the seed rate during 8 10 years.

hope to develop mutually beneficial cooperation!

Conditions tarifaires : 100 $/tonn FOB
Restrictions : The minimum lot is 3000 tons (one ship)
Conditionnement : bulk goods
Quantite : 3101000000
Prix : 100 $/tonn FOB
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