EspaceAgro selleco


ICUMSA 45 CANE SUGAR, WHITE, FREE FLOW, SPECI - produits sucrés offre de sucre de canne icumsa 45--nous proposons aux acheteurs sérieux de l'icumsa 45,  un sucre de canne blanc et libre coulant,  avec des garanties de qualité et de contrôle strict.----détails de l'offre--produits disponibles - sucre de canne icumsa 45--contrôle qua
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°654522:   22/10/2024 15:50:47 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

offre de sucre de canne icumsa 45
nous proposons aux acheteurs sérieux de l'icumsa 45, un sucre de canne blanc et libre coulant, avec des garanties de qualité et de contrôle strict.

détails de l'offre
produits disponibles : sucre de canne icumsa 45
contrôle qualité : vérification par sgs au moment du chargement
zone de livraison : capacité à satisfaire tous les ports de l'afrique de l'ouest chine et autres régions
conditions d'achat :
présentation d'une loi (lettre d'intention) ou cis (confidentiality and indemnity statement) du client
possibilité de proposer plusieurs procédures et de tarifs en fonction des volumes demandés
contrat de 12 mois disponible pour des engagements à long terme
spécifications du produit
spécification détails
couleur maximum icumsa 45 (blanc)
teneur en humidité maximum 0.04%
teneur en cendres maximum 0.04%
solubilité 100% soluble dans l'eau
granulation granulé fin, libre coulant
goût doux, sans arrière goût
ph entre 6.0 et 8.0
sucres réducteurs totaux minimum 99.5%
solides non sucrés maximum 0.05%
normes microbiologiques satisfaisant pour la consommation, sans pathogènes
si vous etes intéressé par notre offre ou si vous avez besoin de plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir. nous sommes prets à vous accompagner dans votre démarche d'achat.
1. delivery terms: the first shipment will begin within 20 days from the date of
receipt from the seller's bank of the financial instrument issued by the buyer's bank
2. payment method: irrevocable, transferable, revolving and confirmed dlc/sblc mt760 with text approved by the seller
3. inspection: sgs to be paid by the seller at the port of loading
4. shipping: the seller will provide the following shipping documents:
• commercial invoice (each signed in original and stamped by the seller) showing the indication of the goods, letter of credit number, quantity loaded, invoice value and port of loading.
a. weight and quality inspection certificate, issued by société générale de surveillance (sgs) (or other similar recognized independent inspection company), at the port of embarkation at the seller's expense indicating the type, quality and quantity shipped and certifying the full compliance of the goods with the specifications and conditions mentioned in this contract.
b. declaration from the shipping company confirming that the ship is not older than twenty years (20) years, insurance certificate covered by first class insurance and suitability protection and indemnity (p&i) insurance club certificate of origin issued or endorsed by the country's chamber of commerce.
c. packing list showing the gross/net weight.
d. bill of lading/switch bill of lading.
e. a certificate from the payee confirming that copies of all shipping documents have been sent to the buyer's bank and that hard copies have been sent by overnight courier or similar
10. contract period: 1 year
11. offer validity: 5 working days

1. the buyer submits the loi.
2. the seller sends the fco.
3. the buyer accepts the fco and issues the irrevocable confirmed purchase order (icpo) along with its bank details.
4. the buyer and seller sign the purchase agreement (spa) according to the agreed terms and conditions of business and according to fco and icpo and transmit it by email and express courier within 8 12 working days.
5. after the signing of the spa, the seller sends the proforma invoice for the agreed quantity according to fco and icpo to allow the buyer to request and have their bank issue the financial instrument as per the fco and icpo agreed between the buyer and the seller.
6. the buyer's bank will issue the fully operational financial instrument.
7. if the seller or the seller's bank wants to have confirmation of the financial instrument,
8. after the financial instrument has been received and accepted by the seller's bank, the shipment begins as scheduled in the spa.
9. the buyer confirms that these funds are free from constraints or encumbrances and not of terrorist or criminal origin.
after the shipment of the last batch of the monthly quantity has been made, to complete the agreed quantity per month, the revolving financial instrument will be automatically reused to cover the value of the following month.

Conditions tarifaires : 450 USD
Restrictions : Non
Conditionnement : shipping 12 500 minimum
Quantite : 12 500 tonnes cota 1 700 000 MT MOIS DISPONIBLE
Prix : 450 USD
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