EspaceAgro selleco


Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°422088:   02/06/2020 16:33:59

icumsa : 45 rbu icumsa
ash content : 0.04% maximum by weight
moisture : 0.04% maximum by weight
magnetic particles : mg / kg 4
solubility : 100% dry and free flowing
granulation : fine standard
polarization : 99.80 minimum
mas as : 1 p.p.m.
max os : 2 p.p.m.
max cu : 3 p.p.m.
colour : sparkling white
sediments : none
so : mgkg 20
reducing sugar : 0.010% maximum in dry mass
radiation : normal w/o presence of cesium or
iodine so2; certified
substance : solid crystal
smell : free of any smell
npn staph aureus : per 1 gram nil
microbiological limits : pathogenic nacteria including salmonella per 1 gram nil bacillus per 1 gram nil
pesticie traces : maximum mg / kg basis ddt 0.005 –
photoxin 0.01 hexachloran gamma
isomer 0.005
crop : 2013 or more recent crop
phytosanitary certificate of no radiation, no virus, no insect parts, no rodent excrement, no husks and no piosonous matter.
product is suitable for human consumption.
product packing: packing in 50kg (net weight) new poly lined jute bag or equivalent.
inspection: s.g.s. inspection at the port of loading.
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