EspaceAgro selleco

Sugar Refined Brown And White Icumsa Sugar - Royaume Uni

Sugar Refined Brown And White Icumsa Sugar - produits sucrés refined standards to icumsa 600-1200----polarity at 20c- 97.8c to 99.2c--sulphate content- 0.15% max.--weight- solid cristal max. weight--ash content- 0.15% max. weight--solid- crystal max. weight--moisture- 0.15% max. weight 1 p.p.m--solubility- 97% dry & free flowing--granulation- 1.00-1.5am/mm--s
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°642839:   27/05/2024 09:42:17
refined standards to icumsa 600 1200

polarity at 20c: 97.8c to 99.2c
sulphate content: 0.15% max.
weight: solid cristal max. weight
ash content: 0.15% max. weight
solid: crystal max. weight
moisture: 0.15% max. weight 1 p.p.m
solubility: 97% dry & free flowing
granulation: 1.00 1.5am/mm
sendiments: none
magnetic particles: mg/k4.
s02: 20mg/kg maximum
radiation: normal w/o presence of caesium or iodine: certified
smell: free of any smell & all pathogens: staph auras
reducing sugar: 0.05% max
substance: solid cristal
crop: 2011 or later
max as: 1 p.p.m.
max as: 2 p.p.m.
max cu: 3 p.p.m.
tolerance: 5% (/ ) a255
poisonous seed/husks: phytosanitary certificate of no radiation, no virus, no insect parts, no poisonous matter and non genetic and is suitable for human consumption
packaging: 50kg bag
interested parties please contact!
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