hello, we propose to your kind attention our best proposal for possible future collaboration
our italian company with many years of experience, produces snail slime for outdoor use
our production site is located in italy
our raw material is used in various cosmetic formulations and is characterized by its effectiveness and safety
our company collaborates with university research institutes ...
Annonceur de italie
nos savons naturels surgras à base de beurre de karité brute sont fabriqués à l’ancienne, grâce au processus de la saponification à froid. les savons naturels sont la meilleure alternative aux produits de soins industriels. les ingrédients qui les composent sont choisis avec soin et respectueux de votre peau et de l’environnement. nos ingrédients sont 100% naturels produits par pression à froid d ...
- Restriction :Aucune
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Annonceur de Benin
am looking for buyers of snails products like dried and fresh snail, snail slime and other related product ...
Annonceur de nigeria
i have been supporting, a group of small scale snail farmers in ghana, majority are below the poverty line. to help them increase their income potential, am looking to set up a cooperative snail slime extraction organisation entity to help them, but need help in.
the machinery required and where to source it from
potential customers
and any general advice on how to go about this. ...
- 5000 dollars per litre
- Restriction :export
- Conditionnement :DHL/ any appropriate courier
- Quantite :there is a network of over 100 farmers
Annonceur de Royaume Uni
need a buyers for snails, snails egg and snails slime.
Annonceur de nigeria
looking for snail slime(mucus) buyers in liquid and powder form, fresh and dry snails and food items like garri, honey beans and food spices ...
Annonceur de nigeria
i am looking for mentorship in the snail business and also to acquire a snail slime extraction machine. ...
Annonceur de nigeria
i am looking for buyers of snail slime produced in south africa. harvested from helix aspersa. organic. ...
Annonceur de afrique-du-Sud
looking to see is there a lot of interest out there to purchase snail slime. i have a lovely farm in ireland and before making the investment would like to see what interest is there for my unique product ...
Annonceur de irlande
i am looking at purchasing a snail harvesting or extraction machine. this machine should be able to harvest snail slime without killing the snail. the product of the harvesting should be very hygienic to meet international required standard. ...
Annonceur de nigeria
we provide the biggest of the african giant snails live or processed to any part of the world. we also sell pure snail slime gotten through the use of the latest technology in snail slime extraction. ...
Annonceur de nigeria
on est entrain de créé une ferme d'élevage d'escargot gros gris avec une capacité de 30 tonne par année, plus une unité d'extraire de la bave d'escargot environ 1000 litre par année avec certification bio.
on est pré pour tout type de commande.
we are in the process of creating a large gray snail farm with a capacity of 30 tonnes per year, plus a unit of extracting snail slime about 1000 lit ...
Annonceur de algerie
slim mucin buyers it is a freeze dried product that produces from the
slime of helix aspersa snails!
this is the secretion of the snail's glands released when
the shell is damaged, the wound heals, or the snail is
moisturizer and collagen stimulator.
we offer mucin in dry (freeze dried) and
slime form. can be packed in different bag
delivery time 7 14 days by plan ...
Annonceur de ukraine
i need to buy snail slime in nigeria, i'm a farmer into holistic medicine and it's need in my profession. i live in lagis nigeria, and i need this urgently. ...
Annonceur de nigeria
specialist farming ventures | snail farming
snail farming – meat
250 tonne per annum snail farming initiative in gauteng, south africa
snail farming – slime/mucin
the snail farming enterprise is able to produce up to 18 500 litres of snail slime
per annum with the potential to increase this gradually in subsequent years. ...
Annonceur de afrique-du-Sud
we are food supplements company from north macedonia and we are looking to buy snail slime extract in powder for use in food supplements (food grade) and also for use in cosmetics. ...
Annonceur de Macedoine
la bave d'escargot en englech snail slime c'est un produit naturel la bave d'escargot, véritable merveille de la nature, révolutionne le milieu des produits cosmétiques et soins pour votre peau: ses composants naturels ont des propriétés régénérantes et réparatrices exceptionnelles pour les cellules de la peau humaine; ces vertus naturelles permettent de traiter et réparer beaucoup d'imperfect ...
Annonceur de Maroc
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