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togo cement - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
alimentairetogo cement

Togo Cement  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

VENTE  fr  330802. CIMENT |  grossiste Industrie exploitation 

we are a registered company from togo (west africa). we have a company want to buy cement we are searching seller, mandate and negociators to develop our trade.  ...
Annonceur de Togo

Rubrique : Industrie exploitation | grossiste Industrie exploitation | grossiste Industrie exploitation Togo |
ACHAT  fr  195186. URGENT TRANSPORT MARITIME CIMENT |  grossiste transport transit logistique 

emergency search shipping cement boats 6250 12500 tons regular transport. loading ports: barcelona and setubal unloading: ports of algeria and west africa (togo, ivory coast, ghana, drc, mozambique, benin) very competitive prices. deliveries throughout the year.  ...
- 12
- Conditionnement :VRAC, SLING-BAG, BIG-BAG
- Quantite :12500
Annonceur de Luxembourg

Rubrique : transport transit logistique | grossiste transport transit logistique | grossiste transport transit logistique Luxembourg |
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