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tomate - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food suppliertomate

tomate Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  593304. tomate Disponible |   Producer seed plant seed  16/04/2023 14:35:07

tomate en gros disponible l the tomato (/təmeɪtoʊ/ or /təmɑːtoʊ/) is the edible berry of the plant solanum lycopersicum, [1][2] commonly known as the tomato plant. the species originated in western south america, mexico, and central america.[2][3] the mexican nahuatl word tomatl gave rise to the spanish word tomate, from which the english word tomato derived. ...
Advertiser from France

Category : seed plant seed | Producer France |  
Buying  fr  565634. Cherche Partenaire Sérieux |   Producer fruits and vegetables  03/10/2022 11:34:33

a french company selling fruit and vegetables drinks without alcohol is looking for a partner in poland we want to buy in large quantities pologne oignon jaune 5 kg calibre 60/80 oignon rouge 5 kg calibre 60/80 poivrons vert et rouge 5kg calibré moyen courgette 5kg calibré moyen aubergine 5kg calibré moyen tomate ronde et grappe calibré moyen ...
Advertiser from France

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer France |  
Buying  fr  549016. tomate Para Industria |   Manufacturer fruits and vegetables  22/06/2022 11:42:59

industria alimentaria ubicada en españa necesita conocimiento de proveedores de tomate para industria de marruecos ...
Advertiser from Spain

Category : fruits and vegetables | Manufacturer Spain |  
Buying  fr  414727. Recherche Des Fournisseurs Des Boites De Conserve |   Wholesaler retains 

je recherche des fournisseurs de boites métallique ou en fer blanc pour la conservation des produits comme les viandes, poisson, tomate piment etc.. de plusieurs taille. ,  ...
- Limit :Illimité
Advertiser from Benin

Category : retains | Wholesaler Benin |  
Selling  fr  410458. Search For Commodity Clients |   Agent other 

greetings, i am a local trader in partnership with most of the cooperatives of my country and so able to put at your disposal food producing commodities such as : coffee, cocoa, banana, plantain, tomate, chilli pepper, cashew nut, coconut, and many other vegetables and fruit... if you need something let me know through my e mail i will answer very quickly. thank you! ...
Advertiser from Ivory Coast

tomate  Category : other | Agent Ivory Coast |  
Selling  fr  410397. SPANISH TUNA |   Agent fish 

we are a spanish company which exports very good quality for tuna on can. tuna with sunflower oil, olive oil and tomato. tuna fishing in spain with all the necessary documentation. remaining at your disposal for more information. nous sommes une société espagnole qui exporte du thon en boite de conserve de très bonne qualité. thon à l'huile de tournesol, huile d'olive et à la tomate. thon p ...
- Packaging :CFR, CIF, FOB
Advertiser from Spain

Category : fish | Agent Spain |  
Other  fr  403466. We Supply Hyper Market And Super Market Products |   Producer sweet 

nous sommes le seul représentant exportateur de très bons fabricants en égypte spécialisés dans les bonbons, chocolats, biscuits, gomme à mâcher, pâte de tomate, haricots en conserve, haricots à œil noiren conserve, haricots blancs en conserve, fromage fondu, maïs, farine de blé, macaroni, riz, sésame, pâtes, spaghettis, huile de cuisson, mouchoirs, savons, détergents, lingette ...
Advertiser from Egypt

Category : sweet | Producer Egypt |  
Selling  fr  375460. Vente tomate Séchée (fruits Et Légumes Séchées) |   Producer fruits and vegetables 

our company is a fruit and vegetable drying company that strives to bring together and train a team of competent skills to provide you with quality products that meet international requirements and standards. our fruits and vegetables dried, and good; quality, caliber and tastes, our prices as well flexible, there are no remarks or complaints from our customers, you buy from us you win three ...
- Limit :Unlimited restrictions
- Packaging :well condition
- Quantity :100 TONNES
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Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Tunisia |  
Selling  fr  359228. Fabrique Sauce Grecque Feta Fromage Nouveauté |   Wholesaler milk and milk products 

nous sommes une fabrique depuis 30 ans et nous fabriquons de différentes sauce comme sauce feta a l'ail sauce feta piquante sauce feta tomate tarama tzaziki tyrokafteri homous ect………. fromage feta kaseri kefalotiri kefalograviera ect……… nous somme bassé a agrinion en grèce et nous serions désireux de nous étendre ver l'europe et nous recherchons des collaborateur  ...
- a la demande
- Quantity :pas d'importance
Advertiser from Belgium

Category : milk and milk products | Wholesaler Belgium |  
Selling  fr  359125. Fabrique De Sauce Grecque Nouvaute Base De Feta |   Manufacturer milk and milk products 

recherche client nous fabricons tzaziki, tarama. tyrokafteri.sauce feta ail. sauce feta piquante. sauce feta tomate. scorzalia et bien d autre produits pour l europe nous somme agree iso  ...
- Tarif uniquement via mail
- Limit :Voir tarif
- Quantity :Suivant demande
Advertiser from Greece

tomate  Category : milk and milk products | Manufacturer Greece |  
Buying  fr  338164. Buscando Clementina, Naranja, Caqui, Granada, |   Wholesaler fruits and vegetables 

buscamos frutas y verduras que exportamos a francia, bélgica y alemania, clementina, naranja, caqui, granada, melón, sandía, tomate y todas las verduras. queremos trabajar directamente con los productores. esto nos permite comprar un volumen muy grande. ...
- Packaging :camion y contenedor
- Quantity :100 tonnes
Advertiser from France

Category : fruits and vegetables | Wholesaler France |  
Buying  fr  288195. Double Concentree De Tomate 70g, 210g, 400g |   retains 

double concentrate de to mate 50x70 4800 cartons 3 containers of 20' 48 x 210 1790 cartons 3 containers of 20' 24 x 400 2000 cartons 3 containers of 20' cif to west africa ...
- N/A
- Limit :Italian ou Turkey France Brazil
- Packaging :CIF West Africa
- Quantity :3 containers of 20'
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from etats unis

Category : retains | etats unis |  
Selling  fr  275428. Exporte From Tunisia |  Committee packaging 

agrifood from tunisia huile d'olive bio huile vegetale levure chimique double concentré de tomate tomate pelé coscous pâtes ...
Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : packaging | Committee Tunisia |  
Selling  fr  241931. Pâte De tomate Turque |   fruits and vegetables 

la pâte de tomate produite à partir des tomates de haute qualité cultivés en turquie (salted) 28*30 brix  ...
Advertiser from Turkey

Category : fruits and vegetables | Turkey |  
Selling  fr  191189. PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY OF TOMATE PASTE |   Producer retains 

producer and supplier of tomato paste of 70g, 210g, 400g, 2200g, et 4500g ( africa, asia, america, europe). china ningbo. please contact us for detailed informations. thank you. ...
- Packaging : FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW
Advertiser from China

tomate  Category : retains | Producer China |  
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